Ashamed at how fast people are throwing in the towel over there. Even throwing the man that fought for them for 5 years under the bus. Atmosphere was getting unbearable and had to get away from it. Nothing about the past 48 hours has made me feel defeated. Instead I am only filled with questions. Good to see folks here still staying the course.
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That's because they are Donald followers and not Q followers. We know Q and Donald are on the same team, so we are comfy with popcorn right about now, and the rest of the world is waiting for their communist world government and great reset. No doubt they are worried. I'm not.
I still will never understand why so many on the donald still march in line with fakestream medias hot take on Q. It's baffling really. Assuming of course i've not been talking with shills lol
Just switched over here from TDW and never knew what the problem was with Q. What is their reasoning?
I'll boil it down like this. There is Q. there are anons. There is no "Qanon" Q makes posts mostly comprised of cryptic questions and codes. anons try and decode them. People who want to attack Q, attack some of the crazy things the anons say and not the posts themselves. Q basically works exclusively in the socratic method, asking people questions and getting them to think and dig. People then attempt to put the puzzle pieces together.
Is there anywhere I can find circumstances where you guys did decode stuff? Sounds super interesting
A comment like this on TD.w got me downvoted.
people and scholars will study and write books about all this for decades to come