Ashamed at how fast people are throwing in the towel over there. Even throwing the man that fought for them for 5 years under the bus. Atmosphere was getting unbearable and had to get away from it. Nothing about the past 48 hours has made me feel defeated. Instead I am only filled with questions. Good to see folks here still staying the course.
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thats a good question honestly, Q has also given warnings of people who rise up in this movement who were shills or deepstate assets that would then simply break and demoralize their following their was a guy on twitter or instagram who was a good example of this I can't remember the name. Fake patriots basically. I don't think thats whats happening with the donald, prob just concentrated shill attacks to influence the mood and demoralize. I think the mods have just been overwhelmed with the increase in traffic and well there humans themselves so maybe they're feeling a little doomery from it all?