105 Hans-Georg Maaßen, former chief of the German Verfassungsschutz agency, retweeted posts about the deep state being in panic & how to prepare for a BLACKOUT. He was removed by Merkel because he refused to abuse his powers to spy on the German right-wing party. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Dilaudid 4 years ago by Dilaudid +105 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It's better to burn out....
Wer in den letzten Stunden nicht spürbaren Teil seiner Follower verloren hat, steht auf falschen Seite
Those who have not lost a significant part of their followers in the last few hours are on the wrong side
Just kinda means they purged a lot of "normal people" so if you haven't lost followers you're a globalist scum with fake and marxist followers.
So OP is full of shit
I would not say either way yet, it’s definitely interesting, he has a lot of posts to look through.
Stromausfall definitely means a loss of power as in electricity. And Katastrofenvorsorge means to be prepared in case of a catastrophe.
Translation would he nice
if you haven't lost a noticeable part of your followers in the last few hours, you're on the wrong side ... #deepstatepanic
Protection of the population is ... being able to conjure up a delicious meal even in the event of a storm. disaster preparedness
Sich auch bei | ein Köstliches Essen zaubern zu können.
Even with | to be able to conjure up a delicious meal
How was it removed by Merkel? Like she set out an order herself?