posted ago by tukr90 ago by tukr90 +239 / -0

First, I just want to say, Trump at this point has zero opportunity to turn back. All of the companies that are cutting ties is nuts.... And if they are cutting because of the deep state threat that Trump poses, It forces their hand. This is why we are still waiting, why we haven't heard anything. He is forcing the powers that be to reveal themselves, showing everyone, the whole world who is in charge of their lives behind the scenes. Id love to see someone put a thread together linking companies with the turmoil they have caused to people around the world. Famine, Fuel, Money, Health... It really is a shit list of big names. Walmart, Target, Credit Companies, Health Companies. I'm sure China has an investment in most of them. They are trying to back the lion into a corner, ruining his lively hood before he leaves office. This man has nothing left to lose. They should all be very afraid.