There are many of us who are hoping Pence is just playing a deep game with Trump on all this, despite rumors and links shown of questionable stuff and his unwillingness to play the "Pence card". Time will tell.
This is NOT Mike Pence, the Real one was removed for his treason & replaced by this look a like. This Pence is just playing out his part by allowing the Swamp to commit Open Treason. Whether he has Any future role is unknown to us.
I'm open to your description, but am interested in how you came to this conclusion. Do you have links? Remember a lot of us are new here, and assertions like this are best supported by some kind of evidence.
Search all posts on this site for AF2. On or around New Year's, a planespotter had vp's plane af2 going someplace prison-like and returning with different call signs indicating no VP on board. That thread had discussion of it, a few links, and I bought into it. But obviously if it's true, it's not widely acknowledged or easily proven. So maybe false, maybe true. Hope that helps you get you started. The fact that the coin he received was obviously displayed instead of being accepted surreptitiously plays into this line of thinking as well.
There are online photos of Pence prior to No Names funeral showing his neck is now longer and ears are different. Pence was Forced upon Trump the Same way as Poppy Bush was forced upon Reagan by Establishment GOP. Only difference was Bush Sr was able to minimize Reagan by the attempted but Failed assassination in 1981. I believe Pence also attempted to kill Trump at the Vegas shooting but Failed and was removed summer of 2018 & replaced with a slightly more Pro Trump Pence. Still he Knew like the original he was going to play the part of Judas at the appropriate moment. The pics of Pence are likely here on Great Awakening.
ok so this body double, where do they find a look-alike that wants to spend their life faking someone else? Occam's razor suggests this is a lot of extra work for no real gain.
There are many of us who are hoping Pence is just playing a deep game with Trump on all this, despite rumors and links shown of questionable stuff and his unwillingness to play the "Pence card". Time will tell.
If POTUS must remain neutral for optics, then surely VPOTUS must remain neutral as well. You are right, only time will tell.
This is NOT Mike Pence, the Real one was removed for his treason & replaced by this look a like. This Pence is just playing out his part by allowing the Swamp to commit Open Treason. Whether he has Any future role is unknown to us.
I'm open to your description, but am interested in how you came to this conclusion. Do you have links? Remember a lot of us are new here, and assertions like this are best supported by some kind of evidence.
Search all posts on this site for AF2. On or around New Year's, a planespotter had vp's plane af2 going someplace prison-like and returning with different call signs indicating no VP on board. That thread had discussion of it, a few links, and I bought into it. But obviously if it's true, it's not widely acknowledged or easily proven. So maybe false, maybe true. Hope that helps you get you started. The fact that the coin he received was obviously displayed instead of being accepted surreptitiously plays into this line of thinking as well.
There are online photos of Pence prior to No Names funeral showing his neck is now longer and ears are different. Pence was Forced upon Trump the Same way as Poppy Bush was forced upon Reagan by Establishment GOP. Only difference was Bush Sr was able to minimize Reagan by the attempted but Failed assassination in 1981. I believe Pence also attempted to kill Trump at the Vegas shooting but Failed and was removed summer of 2018 & replaced with a slightly more Pro Trump Pence. Still he Knew like the original he was going to play the part of Judas at the appropriate moment. The pics of Pence are likely here on Great Awakening.
ok so this body double, where do they find a look-alike that wants to spend their life faking someone else? Occam's razor suggests this is a lot of extra work for no real gain.