18 Last week my phone had the option to turn off Presidential alerts greyed out. You had to let them through. Fine by me. I just checked my phone and it is no longer even there (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Greatheart 4 years ago by Greatheart +18 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
White hat fix ?
4105 05-May-2020 10:15:22 AM NZST 8kun/qresearch9029548 DARPA | FB | TWITTER | GOOG
[D] coord & dev of [AI] tool in attempt to counter (your) reach [now public - see prev drop] demonstrates (your) collective influence.
Think MSM daily attacks [losing ground].
You are winning the information warfare campaign.
Support will always be provided [undisclosed methods].