Hey there patriots. I know it’s a hell of a time to start posting here (or ANYWHERE, for that matter), but I’ve been paying close attention to the commentary and information here and anywhere I can for months now... actually, years, in fact.
I wanted to thank you all for being the people who still stand for God, freedom, and this outstanding (however damaged) country. Liberal commie millennial shit-for-brains are absolutely ball gaging and bending us over, and personally, nobody puts baby in a corner.
Over the last month I’ve seen so much Sideways banter on these sites, so many patriots getting trolled, so many God fearing people attacking each other, I decided it was time I put two cents out here to see where the pennies fell. I’m no “Doomer”, no shill, and certainly no bloody hopium addict, but that said, I am far from being defeated and projecting that to fellow men and ladies who have the guts to be the great, lied to majority. Like it or not, leftie bastards, the election was stolen... our leadership has bent to the bench, and we are scrabbling for where the pieces are falling... that said. I don’t know about y’all, but momma didn’t raise no bitch. So a broad message of encouragement from me to you... Regardless of the “ultimate outcome”, “plan or no plan”, surprise (and frankly past-due) response from our commander in Chief, this whole process of making America great will never stop.
The damn demon left is going to beat us like a dead horse, China will continue to be grimy commie horseshit with slippery back door fingers in everything, and big brother will always watch nods to the not-so-sneaky feds poking around here....
BUT- we serve a BIG GOD. Christian or no, have faith that whatever you worship is bigger than the shithole situations we find ourselves in now. The beauty of our freedom is that it exists within each of us, family to family, brother to brother... so long as we are alive and kicking, we will ALWAYS MAGA. The baptist, freedom loving, family protecting infantryman in me won’t ever quit, regardless of the shiteating hill in front of each of us.
We gotta help each other climb, folks. Memes are great, laugh when the shit sucks... but Christ, let’s not rip each other apart and dance around with our undies on our heads. That’s EXACTLY what the bastards who are beating off to us getting locked up WANT. They want us to rip into each other, they want derision. They have set the perfect stage to portray us, our values, our RIGHTS as foolishness and “domestic terror”. They absolutely win at LIES, because they are LIARS. They fight dirty because they are GOOD AT IT. Good guys don’t stoop to that shit, so don’t DO IT.
No matter what you are intending to do, whether it is wait, prepare your family for the worst, or show your peaceful support for our POTUS, be smart. Pray often. Don’t drink koolaid, and step back while breathing for a second. Think everything through. Words are weaponized right now, and make no mistake, they CAN hurt you, especially when the long arm of the law has been corrupted. Shit guys, they are chomping at the bit to not only hurt us, but to portray us as simple rednecks who stand on a broken campaign. John Q Public believes it too... so don’t make it any worse. If you are all in arms and saber rattling, on a personal level, I highly doubt you are- 1.) Who you claim to be, and 2.) smart enough to know better. Stoppit. People who yell the loudest are typically the ones who do the least, and chances are you are broadcasting yourself to people who WANT to hurt you. Again, stoppit.
To everyone who I know will continue to stand up for what’s RIGHT-
Fuck. Yes. Be safe. Be careful. Pray for our great nation and no matter what happens, this sight and many others should show you all, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
God bless.
Dear 'virgin', you were born to say these things.
Thanks. It seems to me like it’s common sense.... but then again, I guess it’s not. I’m out here in Washington state, and I am not but three hours from a city that gave up a FUCKING WHOLE DAMN AREA and a POLICE PRECINCT to the BLM and Antifa shit... for WEEKS! where was the sweeping nationwide response (manhunt) for those Ass wipes?
Welcome brother.