The Chaldeans were astrologers. Daniel became the Chief.
It was Daniel who was given the sign to look for in the Heavens (the star) that would signal the birth of Jesus Christ. This was passed down through the generations until the '3 wise men' saw it in the sky. Of course, there weren't '3 wise men', they were Chaldeans (Magi), and there weren't 3, it was a large group.
They also came bearing gifts. What were they? What was needed to 'fund' and provide for Mary and Joseph to escape.
God not only made Daniel wealthy, and powerful, and gave him the 'sign' to see in the Heavens, but God was so genius that the very wealth He blessed Daniel will would one day fund the escape of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Astrology is regarded HIGHLY with God. Humans just perverted it for themselves. Like everything else that was intended to be pure.
False. Daniel was a teacher to the Chaldeans.
The Chaldeans were astrologers. Daniel became the Chief.
It was Daniel who was given the sign to look for in the Heavens (the star) that would signal the birth of Jesus Christ. This was passed down through the generations until the '3 wise men' saw it in the sky. Of course, there weren't '3 wise men', they were Chaldeans (Magi), and there weren't 3, it was a large group. They also came bearing gifts. What were they? What was needed to 'fund' and provide for Mary and Joseph to escape.
God not only made Daniel wealthy, and powerful, and gave him the 'sign' to see in the Heavens, but God was so genius that the very wealth He blessed Daniel will would one day fund the escape of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Astrology is regarded HIGHLY with God. Humans just perverted it for themselves. Like everything else that was intended to be pure.