Ummmm this is pretty big deal
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If Q is leaks from the admin then their strategy planning is legendary good. The amount of sequential thinking to map out this scenario so precise is genius level.
GG well played
clearly Barron
I've met really good poker players who are expert level at predicting people's moves based on others counter moves.
We must have expert chess players in charge.
I personally am a expert chess player. Can foresee many moves ahead. I have beat Gary Kasparov pre programmed computer generated chess boards. All moves anticipated requiring 8 days to overcome, 75 moves in advance to complete anticipated scenarios for each action move. This sounds self serving but either way. The correlated moved. Anticipation of this event. Filmed on 1/8/2021 released on 1/14/20201 and released on a leap year 2 years later, by a independent " underground" group of patriots, Project Veritas. And correlates to the narrative of the Q Dump referenced and is undeniable. That is other worldly. That is Mayan Tzolkin predictability. This is mathematical improbably beyond the reach of a single individuals comprehensible abilities
Okay not a drop by a specific organization, but whenever you have rats on a sinking ship then it will take several days for intel to come to light. If the intelligence community knows how Twitter is like on the inside then they would also know their response and role to play.
The first domino is POTUS getting canned. They can infer that if his Twitter is scrubbed likely others would be in the coming days. This would turn heads in the org and some so furious they would leak out. Then a few more days of lag time. So 8 days from the 0 hour event makes sense.
Honestly I find that to be pretty predictable. Censorship affects us all, and tech companies have crossed a line many including myself hoped they never would.