WTF Is going on at Gavin Newsome's "humble" abode
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The one thing I like about the woman’s voice that gives directions when I drive, is that I can turn it off when it gets annoying.
My husband questions the wisdom of listening to a woman's voice for directions in GPS LOL.
My husband and I can go up an elevator, come back down, and I will exit going the wrong way. He usually says "see ya" or something to that effect. It's funny.
I wish people would stop denigrating and/or denying the difference between the sexes. There's a bizarre inherent concession of inferiority in it. All around you see media and entertainment now making the female the physically stronger heroine kicking the bejeezus out of everyone and saving her family from physical danger, while simultaneously, the powers that be decry "toxic masculinity." If it's so toxic, why are you making heroines out of women displaying that attribute? The other subtle or not so subtle thing is to portray the woman protagonist as a person that either doesn't want kids or didn't have them. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel spends a great deal of time celebrating the fact that the lead actress does not mother her children AT ALL. It's bizarre. I always thought "evil" was sort of a metaphor. It's real and this attack on the divine relationship between male/female is part of the devil's scheme IMO.
Better to crash the car then let a womans gps voice tell you what to do