This stuff is like living in the Matrix. Even if we are 100% right there is 0% chance most people are going to "get on board" with it. IMHO instead the best we can do is subtle red pills over a long period of time.
Ive tried this before with other things, doing a "big reveal" to a close friend. It never went well no matter how much evidence I showed. You simply cant dump a huge amount of research onto someone quickly and expect they are going to get on board right then and there.
my 2 cents
Exactly. We can drop red pills to people but we can't shock them into it. This is why we're supposed to organize off of social media (like here) to help spread proper info and counter the narrative on social media.
Post as a normal person in normal people language, inform. counter.
DO NOT broadcast Q or explicit Q stuff, NOBODY WILL FUCKING LISTEN TO YOU!!! (and they'll immediately ignore anything they hear along what you try to say, because you had to post as a retard)