... before he was resurrected.
Never lose hope.
EDIT: YES... I understand Trump is not Jesus... I get it. My point is there was a time on Earth when literally all goodness, at least appeared, to be lost. A time where man literally killed the son of God himself.
Miracles do happen. I will never lose hope or faith in the power of good to triumph over evil.
If we really do end up stuck with Biden, my state is already considering secession. Because here in TEXAS, we could actually survive just fine on our own.
Didn't you hear? Cali went RED before the cheating kicked in.
It ain't over.
Plus Italy outright ADMITTED that they interfered.
No evidence was ever reviewed by a court. All cases were dismissed for standing or some other loophole BS.
Powell's 270 page documentation of the evidence is overwhelming.
So if the military has reviewed that and concluded that there is indeed incontrovertible evidence of fraud, they cannot recognize Biden as a lawfully elected president.
That inauguration was obviously not live. Sunny skies versus dark gray overcast. High winds in DC but little wind evidence in taped ceremony.
Something is fishy as hell.
To survive secession you MUST eject the Commies you have now and be willing to do the same when any sprout up. Verstehen ?