I, like many of you, wanted everything to happen on live TV today for the world to see! Man, that would have been amazing!!!...and absolutely retarded.
This scenario would have made us so happy! But let’s be real here, the world would have flipped out. If they arrested everyone at the capital, the division would have been so insane and the world would have been against us.
So she continues on saying “if this really is some military operation like you say it it’s....I rant to her a lot.... then wouldn’t they make it have to look like Trump has nothing to do with this? Cause the world would never accept it if trump had anything to do with it at all.”
She then asked about how long the national guard was there...I let her know the order is until the 24th...and she goes on about how if this is a military op, it would make much more sense for them to do this now...it’s the only way people won’t freak out and will actually accept it.
...I couldn’t fuckin believe it.
- I’m extremely lucky.
- she listens much more than I thought. 3)... I think she is absolutely right.
This countries back on the menu boys!! In the words of Jordan Belfort, “I’M NOT FUCKIN LEAVIN!!”
Literal war? There are things you cannot imagine that are war. Like taking out satellites, and all the special forces ops, like when they retrieved the servers from Germany. This is cyber warfare.
Yeah, and my point is if you look at the playing field its far far too one sided to even be called a war. One side absolutely controls everything. The only way to even things up at this point, if any serious inroads are to be made SOON, is probably to go start taking over things like media companies and tech companies.
Otherwise, there's no way 'starting your own' is going to work. The moment a new fledgling tech becomes remotely a threat the entrenched big boys will dogpile it and shut it down like with Parler... and there is no legal recourse either as the courts will say absolutely no crime was committed.
So what can you do? Its going to go way past 'cyber warfare' IMO. Only way to silence the one sided rhetoric from the MSM is going to be to start putting gun barrels to heads and making very clear threats to STFU or pay the price.
The side that controls everything is our side. You have it backward. We have yet to begin our operations, or at least those we will acknowledge publicly. The losers think they have won! Maximum risibility from that. When Q repeated endlessly. “These people are stupid”, he knew whereof he spoke!!! Giddy Kamala with her horrendous open mouth laugh. Ugh. Huma coming out for unity as the commies push for more and more division. Right here the population can get a real view of what they think they are going to achieve: a warped and twisted America. Ain’t gonna happen....
While I would very definitely like to believe that... Proof is in the pudding and so far nothing has happened. The time for 'sitting and waiting' and 'hold the line' is long over. We either do something very big and drastic NOW to get us out of the hole we put ourselves in by 'sticking to the rules' or they're going to pour cement into the hole and finish us off.
How did you get the power to decide the timing of this operation??
Big and drastic sounds stupid and dangerous, and for no discernible reason. I would say: chill.