6 Days from now we will have a 3 year delta Q post: 623: https://qalerts.app/?n=623
Twitter % owned?
Other ownership stakes in the US?
What happens if seized?
Who controls?
Who controls the controllers?
EO 12/21.
NEW puppet master.
Not deal.
No choice.
Think others.
It’s what you don’t know.
Executive Order 12/21? Hey well thats funny, there is no executive order signed or published on 12/21, unless... There is a sleeper EO. Is there? There sure is, Executive Order 13959.
Within this executive order trump declared a national emergency and declared any private company or person in the united states involved in the financial gain of chinese military companies a threat to our country. The prohibitions within this executive order did not become active until January 11th, 2021.
I don't have the time to describe everything that is within that executive order or its amendment but do some digging anons and I think you will quickly find that our country may just be considered an affiliate of the chinese communist party and that fence around DC will begin to make a lot more sense. China wants to sanction trump and crew? hmm wonder why they would do that...
Sec. 12. This order is effective at 12:01 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, December 21, 2017.