Its kind of why, I have mentioned today that Congress going forward with Impeachment is proof that Trump is either still president or tacit admission by Congress that Trump has a legitimate claim to the Presidency. Impeachment conviction is not an automatic cant run for office again law... Nothing is making sense
I agree, and MSM won't be able to cover for them. Even hardcore leftist buddies of mine aren't talking about the impeachment trial. Most of them are like why bother, he's gone right? Plus you'd need at 17 Repubs to switch sides to get the supermajority necessary to convict. Don't see that happening.
That’s my thinking too! I mean it could just be TDS but today I heard crazy drunk bitch Nancy said that Trump was an accessory to murder. WTF they are so crazed it could be as simple as that, but I kinda doubt it. No time at all to celebrate? Very suspicious
Yes, why aren't they gloating if they successfully stole the election and now control the executive, legislative, and (as we saw with the election fraud cases) judicial branches?
But you can't deny that optically we are defeated and overrun by shilly cucks.
Patiently waiting for some kind of announcement form djt. he will probably let biden make a fool out of himself and not dominate the news cycle for a while
This is really the best argument I think. Now would be a great time for them to jump out and say 'haha, we fooled you!' but they aren't. Q is definitely real, but what I don't know yet is if the plan involves Xiden being president for the next four years.
Seems the executive orders Biden is supposedly signing,if true would rule out him being part of the plan.Seems if those orders are fake he might be part of the plan,but why keep him if hes a known fake?
You make some good points.
This is why I still believe:
WHY keep up the charade if it was just a Psy-Op?
Example 17 flags at DJT's departure speech.
Monkey Werx just said that DJT had access to a C17 and was exfilled from Mar A Lago during the night. WHY does he still have access to military craft?
The plane landed in DC for 56 min 6 seconds = 17
Why is Dan Scavino posting pics of Marine 1, AF 1 and the close up of the fringe of the flag?
Why is DJT still pushing the "The Best is yet to come!" line if it's over?
IF Q is a Psy-Op, LARP, con/hoax then why bother to keep playing if everything's over???
It’s very far from over....
100 up votes to you fren! u/numina18
Thank you! Wow!
You are welcome... nice to see someone who realizes what's going on...pray! ?
Its kind of why, I have mentioned today that Congress going forward with Impeachment is proof that Trump is either still president or tacit admission by Congress that Trump has a legitimate claim to the Presidency. Impeachment conviction is not an automatic cant run for office again law... Nothing is making sense
I agree, and MSM won't be able to cover for them. Even hardcore leftist buddies of mine aren't talking about the impeachment trial. Most of them are like why bother, he's gone right? Plus you'd need at 17 Repubs to switch sides to get the supermajority necessary to convict. Don't see that happening.
That’s my thinking too! I mean it could just be TDS but today I heard crazy drunk bitch Nancy said that Trump was an accessory to murder. WTF they are so crazed it could be as simple as that, but I kinda doubt it. No time at all to celebrate? Very suspicious
Yes, why aren't they gloating if they successfully stole the election and now control the executive, legislative, and (as we saw with the election fraud cases) judicial branches?
They want to judge him for something that happened while being president. That's why.
But honestly. Why continue with that if he's theoretically harmless? So media can say "Orange man bad" for the last time? Doesn't make much sense
Where is Scavino posting pics of flag fringe? This is pretty huge. I can’t find his account because of account transitions, archives or whatever.
enter text
You are correct.
But you can't deny that optically we are defeated and overrun by shilly cucks.
Patiently waiting for some kind of announcement form djt. he will probably let biden make a fool out of himself and not dominate the news cycle for a while
This is really the best argument I think. Now would be a great time for them to jump out and say 'haha, we fooled you!' but they aren't. Q is definitely real, but what I don't know yet is if the plan involves Xiden being president for the next four years.
Seems the executive orders Biden is supposedly signing,if true would rule out him being part of the plan.Seems if those orders are fake he might be part of the plan,but why keep him if hes a known fake?