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Funny.. in this situation HCQ won't help. It's not a viral infection causing the side effects. I wish I know what did cause the side effects though. P
Edited DNA. Wife had it, verified antibodies 4X over last 9 mo, short term loss of smell and long term smell changes. Multiple friends confirmed had it with noted side effects requiring medical TX and hospital stay for one friend. Another friend died on Wed was tested pos 3 days earlier.
Treat the cytokine storm - celebrex and fatimodine, high does C & D, zinc and NAC.
I think there is a real COVID. Serious for those with comorbidities. Flu for everyone else. Bioweapon. USA paid Wuhan for it.
I agree, COVID is real, but there are also real treatments that, in a true travesty of medical malpractice, are being largely ignored.
Instead we get a vaccine that is very new, untested technology.
Preventing doctors from being able to use ANY therapies should be a crime against humanity. I hope they're all tried and punished, starting with the so-called "Doctor" Fauci.
Hear, hear!
Sounds like the exact thing a bunch of Eugenists would do.
The rna vaccine works by inserting itself into any cell. Organs, nerve, it doesn’t matter. Then it changes the cell to trick the body into thinking it is foreign and the immune system then attacks your own cells.
That was what I thought but wasnt sure. Ideally it would only go into dendritic cells (white blood cells) but I don't think it has any specificity.
So probably the booster shot impact depends on which cells happen to get invaded. The impact is limited by the number of particles in the shot, but that is still a fairly large number.
Seems like we should have some more testing on this :)
Previous rna vaccine research when they did the animal sids of the study (skipped by the way for the covid vaccines) all seemed to go fine until they gave the animal the actual virus. Then death happened.
Plus, as stated the vaccine doesn’t distinguish between cells. And our own immune system is now destroying our own cells. Autoimmune issues most likely will be another consequence of the vaccine.
I had read that too about animals dying on challenge with the real virus, but I thought that was for a more traditional vaccine approach for SARS, didn't think those were mRNA. For these vaccines, I would think that some of the trial users would have been challenged with the virus - i think 5% of the control group contracted it? So, it doesn't always kill you.
Agree on the fact that the virus destroying our own cells.. could lead to problems.