Gayer than RuPaul riding a pink unicorn on a rainbow through the land of teletubbies, care bares, and my little pony while getting butt fucked by Barney the dinosaur.
This post is awesome, and a perfect example for 'new' people. OP didn't have to explain much, just posted interesting graphics that have a lot of connections, that are relevant, and worthy of further study. OP might be a great guy, but thank goodness we didn't have to wade through 4 paragraphs of HIS opinions on this.
This is all good, and many of us have already pieced this together from other posts and sources.
However, we are already sick of this movie and want to get to the happy ending already. We want to see arrests and perp walks for miles... we want to see Gitmo filled to overflowing... you get the idea.
Why drag out Bi Den's fake presidency? What logical reason is there to do that? Enquiring minds want to know...
Agree. When Q mentions doing their best to insure everyone's safety, I believe that includes threats from China, Iran & possibly others. Imo, Biden in office right now is just a piece on the chessboard. An important one, but there are many others that we don't know about. With lots of $$. The Sum of All Fears. Excellent movie that Q has mentioned.
All you people who keep talking about primarying out this and that need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!! ONLY if and when our vote is fixed can we take back our country. They just did the same thing TWICE in front of our eyes LAUGHING at us. Sydney Powell said they've been stealing our vote for over 15 years. Why is nobody understanding this? Why is nobody talking about this AND ONLY THIS? Why is nobody DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?!? Talk about watching a movie, it's like everyone has been brainwashed into NOT understanding this. Q is the ONLY thing giving me hope right now. I'm truly convinced in the plan and that this wrong among many others will be righted. But in the meantime, everyone needs to stop talking and even thinking about voting.
Sorry that wasn't meant so much towards you as it was just me venting I guess. I've been hearing this talk about voting them out a lot and now I understand where Lin Wood was coming from about not voting in Georgia until the vote was fixed otherwise they will just do the exact same thing again, and he was right. Anywhere one of those machines is involved, no matter who or what the vote is for, is compromised. There should be an uproar just on that one fact with ir without the plan, but there is only silence and I'm very frustrated and taken aback. No offense and my apologies to you.
I would much rather record what happens to them in Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison... not that I would want to watch that shit though... maybe with really heavy pixilation it would be OK.
It won't take long for a massive number of Americans to realize how much of a DISASTER this presidency is... and they can't suppress election fraud evidence much longer. Maybe they need to be 100% sure that the people of America are 100% sure
I agree, but you can't tell normies its fake because people have died. People were ventilated to death, then people dying at a normal rate for normal things were being fraudulently recorded as covid
I thought about that before.
that "sometimes you have to walk throught the darkness to see the light" means that we would have to get some days?weeks? (i hope not months) of biden as president before we reach the light.
According to this theory the moment the inauguration took place (marker 11.3) an illegitimate foreign backed government took power so Biden's pardon and executive power are at the whim of the military (he can say or do whatever he wants he is illegitimate so it doesn't matter).
As for generals and insider stuff according to Q "patriots are in control"; I'm not aware who or where or when or whatever is going to happen and who is going to do it but the plan seems to have been this all along.
There are no goalposts because no one knows what the actual plan is we just have to wait and see and point out the breadcrumbs lying around and create theories.
It was hard being a closet Trump supporter (I work in the entertainment industry) now I’m on board this Q train because I know things. If it happens realistically it needs to happen within a year, less even, otherwise it’s falling into the picture of the unhinged “conspiracy theorist” territory of one dude in his basement and that’s what they really want to paint all conspiracy as. Dude if Q isn’t real and not a single thing happens this year that says otherwise. Only 2 things are possible: it’s a larp or the deep state won.
Now I’m gonna go back to my hopium pipe because this shit is really really real and getting more crazy ?
Datefags have NEVER gotten anything correct ... NOT ONCE!
I know ... I used to datefag constantly. I was a serial datefagger (datefaggot?)
Q said a hundred times, "Dates are important". I used to think that was an allusion to something temporal. It wasn't. NOT AT ALL. Dates are tags and markers, nothing more (IMHO). I've been Qing for 3 years and can say without question or hesitation we will never know the 'when' .. not ever. That is NOT for us to know. We have been given everything we ever needed to understand the REAL world, behind the lies. Q did that for us. For that I am eternally grateful no matter what the outcome is.
I was a data scientist in my former career. Military Analyst too. I am OCD when it comes to logic & detail. Logic and *reason *have led me to some immutable facts:
Q is real. Q is a military psy-op (in a good way)
Q is several people. GEOTUS and Dan Scavino are the only ones we can say definitively are a part of that. Flynn, Pompeo, Don Jr., Eric Trump, Watnik, chances they are in the loop are about 98%.
There is a plan. We have not the first clue what that is. Why? if we knew, the evil scum fucks would too. Not for us to know details ... just that there is one.
"The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!" he tweeted. "To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th."
Giant Voice systems are mass notification equipment that sends warning tones, music such as bugle calls and reveille through Radio, Wireless, Ethernet or landline systems to permanently installed arrays.
What really bakes my noodle is that the NCSWIC was established in July 2010. This is roughly 5 YEARS before Trump announced that he was running for Presient.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF STATEWIDE INTEROPERABILITY COORDINATORS doesn’t really roll off the tongue. Isn’t it more likely that the name was created in order to verify Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming? NCSWIC
Interesting, I was mulling over the same thing, that Podesta was gonna get swept up in the Durham investigation.
The only thing that's really a grey area right now is how the pieces will come together regarding Joe/Hunter and James and their connection to China. We know the FBI is worthless, how else might it be brought to light?
He also said he hasn't seen Trump or Pence's flights squawking as AF1 and AF2 for about 10 days now. This is VERY interesting. I take that to mean the military is officially in control.
right into my veins.
Bro, pass the Hopium.
puff puff give, puff puff give! Fuckin' up the rotation
I've got a gram to share, bro. I can split it into halves and we both have a little bowl.
So how much longer we gonna do this? Flynn said give him 30 days right?
Here I’m good.
30 days past December 31st. But even then, I'm not gonna be set on a hardline date anymore. Date fagging is gay.
Yeah datefagging is a demoralization psyop.
When I was young and naive I fell for so much of that stupid shit. Remember 2012?
Ron Paul, I'm assuming? Because of him getting the boot, that's what made my boss get a permanent black pill. So sad.
I member
How gay?
Gayer than RuPaul riding a pink unicorn on a rainbow through the land of teletubbies, care bares, and my little pony while getting butt fucked by Barney the dinosaur.
Shit man! Been looking all over! Can I buy a gram?
Hep C free mainlined
This post is awesome, and a perfect example for 'new' people. OP didn't have to explain much, just posted interesting graphics that have a lot of connections, that are relevant, and worthy of further study. OP might be a great guy, but thank goodness we didn't have to wade through 4 paragraphs of HIS opinions on this.
I follow a few accounts on gab that post these infographics.
Make sure to watch the two x22 reports that I commented in this post :)
Can you please share the accounts?
On the top of my head (Gab is down for me right now) @GhostEzra @Praying-medic and @Outlawjw
Agreed very refreshing to just get the sauce and no op-eds
oh shit im gettin stoned !
I got a contact high just from reading this....
Whoa man, this is some good shit.
This is all good, and many of us have already pieced this together from other posts and sources.
However, we are already sick of this movie and want to get to the happy ending already. We want to see arrests and perp walks for miles... we want to see Gitmo filled to overflowing... you get the idea.
Why drag out Bi Den's fake presidency? What logical reason is there to do that? Enquiring minds want to know...
Agree. When Q mentions doing their best to insure everyone's safety, I believe that includes threats from China, Iran & possibly others. Imo, Biden in office right now is just a piece on the chessboard. An important one, but there are many others that we don't know about. With lots of $$. The Sum of All Fears. Excellent movie that Q has mentioned.
All you people who keep talking about primarying out this and that need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!! ONLY if and when our vote is fixed can we take back our country. They just did the same thing TWICE in front of our eyes LAUGHING at us. Sydney Powell said they've been stealing our vote for over 15 years. Why is nobody understanding this? Why is nobody talking about this AND ONLY THIS? Why is nobody DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?!? Talk about watching a movie, it's like everyone has been brainwashed into NOT understanding this. Q is the ONLY thing giving me hope right now. I'm truly convinced in the plan and that this wrong among many others will be righted. But in the meantime, everyone needs to stop talking and even thinking about voting.
Sorry that wasn't meant so much towards you as it was just me venting I guess. I've been hearing this talk about voting them out a lot and now I understand where Lin Wood was coming from about not voting in Georgia until the vote was fixed otherwise they will just do the exact same thing again, and he was right. Anywhere one of those machines is involved, no matter who or what the vote is for, is compromised. There should be an uproar just on that one fact with ir without the plan, but there is only silence and I'm very frustrated and taken aback. No offense and my apologies to you.
I feel you man tensions are high stick around we got this!
Maybe to see what they do? Maybe they are being recorded?
I would much rather record what happens to them in Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison... not that I would want to watch that shit though... maybe with really heavy pixilation it would be OK.
Wish granted (only pixelates background)
To wake up as many people as possible.
Hence the MSM are literally shaking rn...
This website appeared on Jimmy kimmel and CNN and Qanon is fucking everywhere right now.
If the situation was hopeless the propaganda wouldn't be necessary
I don't pay attention to mainstream garbage so thanks for letting us know.
Neither do I, I've only become aware of this based on posts on this board
It won't take long for a massive number of Americans to realize how much of a DISASTER this presidency is... and they can't suppress election fraud evidence much longer. Maybe they need to be 100% sure that the people of America are 100% sure
We will see covid numbers magically drop in the next few days to show how miraculous Biden was when the number was hyperinflated anyways :/
Covid numbers have been fake since April. Maybe trump is waiting the 6 days it takes for covid to go away completely
I agree, but you can't tell normies its fake because people have died. People were ventilated to death, then people dying at a normal rate for normal things were being fraudulently recorded as covid
Also, don't forget he promised to cure cancer if elected. Sat on it for 47 years but this time...
If they got the power to cure cancer they have to deploy that knowledge right now because that would secure their stay as leaders despite all Q says.
The only they're going to drop is because the WHO changed the protocol on how to detect a positive case.
Which will make the reported covid numbers drop DRAMATICALLY and make normies think Biden is the great face diaper wearing saviour.
Is this what "post-potus" meant?
Remember, it's not R vs D. It's America vs Foreign Control.
Like Lin Wood says, this is to avoid civil war, which ultimately benefits the enemy.
Your Biden loving neighbour is not the enemy.
Trump lost the election but ultimately it is for the sake of America.
Trump did NOT lose the election. It was stolen from him and us. Huge difference.
Hell... My wife is going to be happy tonight!!!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I thought about that before. that "sometimes you have to walk throught the darkness to see the light" means that we would have to get some days?weeks? (i hope not months) of biden as president before we reach the light.
I hoped not, but obviously thats facts now
Flynn said 30 days multiple times on december 31st.
So maybe 10 days or 30 days from now depending on how we interpret these signals
He said it in 2 tweets and a video.
He said the George Washington quote and in another video in the same video said explicitly "30 days"
Awesome. Thanks.
According to this theory the moment the inauguration took place (marker 11.3) an illegitimate foreign backed government took power so Biden's pardon and executive power are at the whim of the military (he can say or do whatever he wants he is illegitimate so it doesn't matter).
As for generals and insider stuff according to Q "patriots are in control"; I'm not aware who or where or when or whatever is going to happen and who is going to do it but the plan seems to have been this all along.
There are no goalposts because no one knows what the actual plan is we just have to wait and see and point out the breadcrumbs lying around and create theories.
no datefagging, please.
Im all about this but legit question. How long does he have to stay in the WH Before we get his disgusting filthy theiving pedo ass out?
Many Q theories are pointing out that it will be between 10-30 days, but no later than march 4th.
Datefags always get shit wrong so we'll see.
March 4th I’m officially done, that’s too significant of a date if it’s missed then I cannot be a year or more into this shit saying “any day now”.
I have shit to do and bills to pay and can’t be smoking hopium all day and do those things forever
Same here, if something happens it happens and if it doesn't than fuck it we live in an occupied nation now
It was hard being a closet Trump supporter (I work in the entertainment industry) now I’m on board this Q train because I know things. If it happens realistically it needs to happen within a year, less even, otherwise it’s falling into the picture of the unhinged “conspiracy theorist” territory of one dude in his basement and that’s what they really want to paint all conspiracy as. Dude if Q isn’t real and not a single thing happens this year that says otherwise. Only 2 things are possible: it’s a larp or the deep state won.
Now I’m gonna go back to my hopium pipe because this shit is really really real and getting more crazy ?
Can you possibly expand any more at all on what you’ve seen in the entertainment world?
Could you please DM me if you don’t want to post it publicly?
I’d greatly appreciate it. :-)
^^^ THIS ^^^
Datefags have NEVER gotten anything correct ... NOT ONCE!
I know ... I used to datefag constantly. I was a serial datefagger (datefaggot?)
Q said a hundred times, "Dates are important". I used to think that was an allusion to something temporal. It wasn't. NOT AT ALL. Dates are tags and markers, nothing more (IMHO). I've been Qing for 3 years and can say without question or hesitation we will never know the 'when' .. not ever. That is NOT for us to know. We have been given everything we ever needed to understand the REAL world, behind the lies. Q did that for us. For that I am eternally grateful no matter what the outcome is.
I was a data scientist in my former career. Military Analyst too. I am OCD when it comes to logic & detail. Logic and *reason *have led me to some immutable facts:
Maybe it meant while the stage was being set? (EOs Trump passed for the operation to take place?)
It's anyone's guess, would be interesting to hear some theories
Read this 8kun reply and the 11.3 END OF OCCUPATION AND DURATION OF GC OBLIGATIONS section of this military document.
This anon did his research and compiled a ton of links.
Nice read.
Don't forget Trump's last twitter tweets.....
"The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!" he tweeted. "To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th."
Giant Voice systems are mass notification equipment that sends warning tones, music such as bugle calls and reveille through Radio, Wireless, Ethernet or landline systems to permanently installed arrays.
He also highlighted "GIANT VOICE" by typing it in all caps
What really bakes my noodle is that the NCSWIC was established in July 2010. This is roughly 5 YEARS before Trump announced that he was running for Presient.
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF STATEWIDE INTEROPERABILITY COORDINATORS doesn’t really roll off the tongue. Isn’t it more likely that the name was created in order to verify Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming? NCSWIC
There is a plan.
Trust the plan.
The operation began long before the military requested Trump to run for president.
Trump being president gave the military executive power to finish what they had started.
And we are in the final showdown
Why was this removed as a sticky?
No clue, a lot of people have seen this post already so it doesn't need to be stickied anymore.
If you have the time to study a few Q drops read this analysis
Where did you get the graphic from 8kun?
No, I got the infographic from @ghostezra on gab, but the contents are similar to the 8kun post so I decided to post it here
I already ported that whole post to the board here:
Optics might be in play here.
Trump must be completely out of the picture and things might have already started happening behind the scenes that no one knows.
Let's wait and see fren :)
Maybe they're giving the redeemable Biden voters a chance to see how crooked, incompetent and full of shit politicians really are..
I needed this hopium enema!
And for most normies the Accept it... TRUMP has to be out of the picture
This has to be a "military takes down a foreign backed illegitimate government" and not a "Trump coup".
No of course not, Trump knows that he won't win if they just rig it again.
It must happen between now and march 4th.
DC NG is stationed in DC until early march, I wonder what event could possibly warrant NG presence in DC in march or earlier.
And he's not POTUS, he's POTATUS.
This is Hunter's crack pipe HUGE.
Just patiently waiting for what I hope is a counter coup and all to be revealed, but everyday just gets more curious.
Interesting, I was mulling over the same thing, that Podesta was gonna get swept up in the Durham investigation.
The only thing that's really a grey area right now is how the pieces will come together regarding Joe/Hunter and James and their connection to China. We know the FBI is worthless, how else might it be brought to light?
Nice, it mentions marker 11.3 that Q mentioned a lot plus everything in the image posted above
this is the good shit hits hopium pipe
Patience is a virtue
My favorite quote! I say it to my kids all the time.
This is the most reasonable argument I have seen to date for a plan continuing. Updoot for you fren.
If you want a much more detailed answer check this 8kun reply:
Thank you
11.3 - Podesta indicted
11.3 is also a code in military law to overthrow an illigitimate government (something that Q mention a million times)
EDIT: Idk why the downvotes, you could atleast comment why
I think you're right. The numbers were not dates.
Trump said THEY GOT CAUGHT and that he'll never give up... I'm hopeful.
Maybe that's what's in all those sealed indictments.
We wen from having an average of 2500 sealed indictments to 100,000+ during Trump.
The last thing Q said was Durham and Durham got info from known white hats in the NSA like Admiral Rogers so I'm hopeful.
What I expect to happen is lower level players will be arrested first while the swamp continues to act panicked at Trump while Durham moves on.
100,000+ is a lot of people to arrest.
Ironic... PF’s Comfortably Numb playing on my radio as I’m reading!
No way this ain't happening. If we feel this way, imagine what he feels. Can't wait.
Also there was a monkey werx video that explained in a pretty detailed way that Trump left Mar a Lago at night the day he arrived.
The TFR all former presidents have disappeared at night when a C17 departed from Mar a Lago.
He also said he hasn't seen Trump or Pence's flights squawking as AF1 and AF2 for about 10 days now. This is VERY interesting. I take that to mean the military is officially in control.