I see people saying President Donald Trump has abandoned them. That he has betrayed them and the MAGA movement. And I understand. Patriots are scared. Patriots are hurt. They are confused. How could this happen? How could he abandon us?
He didn't.
If you watched his speech and are a true patriot, you already know.
Donald J. Trump is STILL PRESIDENT.
The plan was enacted over the weekend... Only you never saw it.
Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements wI'll be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.
This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually President Trumps doing.
There are clues.
The Pentagon not cooperating with the Biden adminstration.
Bizarre inauguration. Apparently not live, although we don't have absolute proof of that.
The prison-like environment of Washington DC would allow a fake Inauguration to take place. Nobody could see whether it was happening or not.
Weird 'bomb scare' at the Supreme Court at the same time. Has Justice Roberts resigned, and Chief Justice Clarence Thomas swearing in our favorite President for a 2nd term?
The fact that Trump didn't pass off the nuclear football as is the custom.