And there is much speculation about how this wait for action might be for the purpose of letting people get a taste of the utter voting for Chicom stooges would bring.
Now I’m not fully down with that notion, but this story, from the world outside this little bubble here, is fully relevant to this idea.
From their suicidal decisions, it amazingly seems that all pro sports leagues and athletes actually agree with you (and me) on that.
Just when you think the demoncraps can't get any dumber, their response is invariably - "hold my beer... watch this".
The net result: a red pill for you, and a red pill for you - everybody gets a red pill !!!
And, it’s worth noting, the author and article are about as thoroughly based on this particular matter as you’ll find anywhere near the mainstream.
Now Outkick certainly isn’t GAw-based, but in the totalitarian media turdbox, it’s a nugget of gold.
I think if we have faith in the plan we don't need to freak about mandatory vaccines. Feels like a waste of energy
“We” are not freaking out, brother.
And there is much speculation about how this wait for action might be for the purpose of letting people get a taste of the utter voting for Chicom stooges would bring.
Now I’m not fully down with that notion, but this story, from the world outside this little bubble here, is fully relevant to this idea.