Former military pede:
Marines not saluting when Biden walks in is to me the biggest most telling thing of all. Those guys are highly vetted and would be out on their ass so fast it would make their head spin if they were trying to make a personal statement by not saluting. If we continue to see this trend then something is going on.
As far as I can tell yes but I don't know the full context of the clip. Also reports he was blocked from pentagon and AF1. There is more weird shit going on than I have ever seen in my life. Either we are in the middle of the full scale push or this is an act they are keeping up in public while being arrested and crap
Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are also only 2 AF1’s. Both fly, one as a distraction when flying the President. Since Trump took AF1 to Florida, there would not have been an opportunity to fly Biden.
Even the freakin' speaker of the house and other lower-ranking govt officials
routinely travel on govt / .MIL aircraft.
Example: SecState has their own dedicated aircraft, etc.
I remember there was a big scandal a few years ago when the total cost of pelosi's GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT USE was exposed; it was something insane like $2mm per year or something and the biggest thing that caught fire was her alcohol tab; something like $60k for one year or something totally insane like that.....
Anyone else old enough to remember that?
Anyway....point'd think SOMEONE SOMEWHERE in the ENTIRE fucking US Govt would be able to scrounge up SOME SORT of a gov aircraft to fly around the "new" POTUS.
It again makes just zero sense that xiden flew private......
Talk about a security risk.....not that I care, personally......but USSS should.....theoretically.....
Devil’s advocate: could the Biden team have been afraid that Trump would pull something dramatic (I.e get him killed) coming in on a military aircraft, and so went with a private jet where he could control the hiring of the crew?
I have a question since you are former military. All these "clips" showing Biden getting disrespect regarding AF!, the 21 gun salute, nuclear football, Marines not saluting, etc. Are maybe we taking parts of these clips to confirm our side of what's going on? Could we just not be seeing the whole pic? I am NOT a Biden fan at all, I'm just confused by clips showing what we "want" them to show. I also heard that Trump had the nuclear football go with him when he left DC on Wed. Would they have automatically taken it back to DC after AF1 dropped off Trump in FL?
I’m a Marine. Like the other military Pede above said, the clip showing the Marines not saluting Biden was the nail in the coffin for me. There’s no way they would have done that just because. I watched the “inauguration” and that clip happened AFTER he was supposedly sworn in.
There’s just no way in hell the Marines on Presidential duty would not have saluted Biden because they didn’t like him. If he were really President then they would have saluted him like they were supposed to then maybe talked shit about him later when higher ups weren’t around. But he would’ve still got the salute.
I understand your point and just want to ask this: for the Marines not to salute, they would have been told not to by someone. And those who turned their back would also have to be aware that Biden is not being accepted as a legit president and therefore advised to turn their backs. What, in your opinion would they be told to prompt not saluting and wouldn't they wonder why? Or if Biden is in fact, not viewed a legit by the military, wouldn't this be common knowledge among all the troops? I guess I'm just trying to figure out why they aren't talking about it and why it hasn't come out to the public.
From the research I have done, it also appears to be standard for some Marines to face the Presidential motorcade and for some to turn their backs (for security purposes). You can see a comparison online of the Biden vs. Trump inaugurations, and the military officers were in the same formation (some with backs turned) for Trump.
Those are valid questions I don’t really have an answer to. I know the saying “loose lips sink ships” so I can see how telling anyone the plan would put it at risk. But something is definitely fucky.
Semper Fi Devil Dog......
I agree, there's no way Marines assigned Presidential duty would openly disrespect the President of the United States.....
We're taught to respect/salute the Rank, not the person. That also applied to foreign officers, both ally and enemy.
Look at POW camps during WW2
The Marines "protocol" is slightly different from the other branches - if I remember correctly, you do not salute if You're out of uniform or not wearing your cover.
The media said that there are multiple nuclear footballs and potatus was given one at noon on the 20th. If true, you can't judge anything by the location of any football, because you don't know which one is active. I suspect this is disinformation, so we can't draw any conclusion from Trump taking it with him to FL
True. Trump could also be telling Biden that he accidentally "misplaced" AF1, and if he's patient, he just knows it'll turn up eventually ...
Maybe he parked it at is "other" mansions or something ... and Biden's so mentally far gone, that he believes him, because Biden definitely knows a thing or two about losing stuff / forgetting ... :)
He did receive a salute, however that is not the point of this thread. It was the manner, form and what that form represents that is being pointed out.
I’m confused then. It appeared the original post was stating that he did NOT receive a 21-gun salute, but rather a 3-gun salute. But there is evidence that he did, in fact, receive a 21-gun salute. That was my point.
What the post is pointing out is that there are normally 4 cannons for the 21-gun salute, and the shots are fired at rapid succession. For Biden, there were only 3 cannons and they were fired off very slowly.
I'm just confused by clips showing what we "want" them to show
Yeah weird it's almost like that's all Q has ever been since the very beginning. Confirmation bias taken to the extreme. You're so close to self-awareness, but not quite there yet.
Pretty sure I saw him walk out the door past the Marines who just stood there. Gotta watch it again I spose to verify, but it did really stand out to me.
The timing is irrelevant. The Constitution simply states that the prior term ends at noon on the 20th. There is no mandated time for when the oath is to be taken by the successor. The only requirement is that they must take the oath before assuming office. It could be taken after the date and time of "transition" (see Zachary Taylor, for instance), but the successor isn't technically POTUS until he takes the oath. Also, nothing prevents the successor from taking the oath early, whether it's 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 days. They just can't assume office until the expiration of the predecessor's term. So the theory that Trump took the oath early on the 11th, would be plausible as constitutionally valid if say, SCOTUS decided tomorrow that he actually won.
This is true. The timing/necessity of the oath to assume presidential powers has been a subject of debate for centuries.... for example, if LBJ had needed to make a crucial decision after JFK's moment of death but before they found someone to administer the oath to him would he have been able to, etc.
While there was nothing wrong with Biden taking the oath ten minutes early, it was yet another odd thing about a day filled with very odd things. Not illegal or improper, but it could be significant.
The 20th amendment where it states that the term ends at noon on the 20th, was approved by the 72nd Congress, March 2, 1932, a congress AFTER the Corporation of the UNITED STATES debacle.
The Constitution of the Nation of the United States does not include this amendment.
While I agree with the theory of illegal incorporation of DC in 1871, the problem is that all Amendments to the Constitution if ratified by the required number of states, must be considered part of the Constitution. Even if we are to argue that the Congresses since 1871 are of questionable legality, the states still ratified the Amendments nonetheless, and nobody is questioning the legality of the state governments. Where a lot of this 1871 incorporation theory gets lost, is that only DC was incorporated. The Congress had technically always been legal, at least in the sense that they states have constitutionally (barring fraud) elected and appointed representatives to go to the Capital. The problem is that DC is technically no longer sovereign territory of the United States Republic. So essentially, the Congress has been legally operating, but unfortunately on foreign territory, where they've been held hostage.
Dosent matter they could have sworn him in at 12am only difference is he couldn’t act as a president until 12pm The constitution Does not detail those things so they can do what they want or follow the “tradition”
The clip is labelled everywhere as "Biden entering the Capitol" (not the WH), in all livestreams it is before the inauguration. What makes you think it is after the inauguration?
Edit: Perhas we are talking about different clips, I'm sorry for coming across as belligerent. The clip I was talking about is this one:
which was before the inauguration.
Others seem to write about another clip in front of the WH?
We don't know what he heard on is earpiece. Maybe the earpiece person knows he isn't legit & to avoid bad optics told Biden "Don't salute marines" and Biden just repeated the last part.
The alleged ear-piece-fail is here at pretty much 30:00:
before inauguration. This is also the clip usually cited as proof for Marines refusing to salute/Biden refusing to salute. I'm not sure the "salute the marines" line makes sense, since the president elect would probably (but I don't know!) not be expected to salute anyway? Is the president elect not simply a civilian before inauguration?
No, it just means Biden took the oath early. Nothing in the constitution says the oath has to occur after noon on the 20th; it only says that’s when power is transferred.
There’s other evidence the inauguration was fake, but that’s not it.
Marines are under the direct control of the President, that's why they were created. Them not saluting is a 100% tell that they don't see him as President.
It's all playing out and hopefully it will end soon, we're all a pucker factor 1000
Well, Marines were created to provide support on ships, which developed into ship boarding and then amphibious assaults. That's why our Marines Corps was created too, not as some supposed POTUS body guard. However, over the years Marines have been more utilized for the purpose of added security for POTUS and the WH. The reason being is that there are less statutory laws restricting the control over and capabilities of Marines (Navy) than the other branches... for instance, the Posse Comitatus Act doesn't apply to the Navy or Coast Guard
Marines are within the Department of the Navy, as are the SEALs. You might be thinking of the Army Rangers?
Technically the Air Force was created from within the Army. Originally it was the Army Air Corps. And I believe Space Force falls under this department chain. Constitution specifies only the creation of the Army and Navy (granted, the Framers never envisioned an air force...) so to be irrefutablly sound under the Constitution, the branches must trace their creation through either the Army or Navy.
Joint Chiefs are simply advisors to POTUS and nothing more.
Chill out there friend. Berating fellow patriots isn't how we do things here. He knows he made a mistake, he even admitted to it over 20 minutes before you flew off the handle.
Mods take this forum and it's rules extremely seriously. Contribute here respectfully or you'll be gone.
Not just being a marine, the billet that they serve in to be around the president is prestigious. It is beyond just being a marine. Similar in quality to The Old Guard at Arlington. You don’t get to try out for it you’re hand selected and voluntold to do it.
The US MARINES ARE considered the PRESIDENT'S OWN...anyone involved with the President is super vetted...AND THEY are the ONLY one that carry weapons EXCEPT outside of an Air Force Base in which the Air Force Security Forces take over...and there are Security Forces on the AF-1 that take care of the AF-1 when it traverses the world...
Gotta let him play some cards so people can see the truth. Yes it sucks for the 70,000 jobs, but they are covered on severance and unemployment for a while.
The remaining normies need to see and accept he's bad so when they flip the switch, the outcry will be less and people will actually be in support of rounding up Antifa
This makes no sense at all. “Despite all the crimes and treason you’ve already committed, we need to let you destroy the country and give China an opportunity to invade Taiwan before we can do anything about it.”
It’s not that they need to complete the crime - I personally hate those comments as well & totally disagree with them.
Rather: I subscribe to the idea that things need to be done in this way in order to break the conditioning and decades of propaganda/psychological warfare conducted on the American public. If they just straight up arrested everyone one day, no amount of explaining would be enough to convince people of the truth - all they would see is a dictator taking over the country & eliminating all opposition. The process playing out right now is how we show the people the truth & make it have a lasting & genuine impact despite the years of conditioning.
the fact that these two salutes are very different means a lot. the US army would not screw it up, they chose to do it different. and yes i believe it was a signal to the rest of the world that the DoD does not stand behind Biden.
Well if you're superstitious or took it as a sign of God, you might've taken this as a sign that Trump's first term was not going to be smooth (impeachment, antifa riots, election fraud, other DS shenanigans), but after that it fired smoothly, so here's to a smooth transition to a new Trump administration.
Spent 8 years in the Corps, the Marine didn’t salute Biden. Let that set in. Biden’s earpiece made him say salute the Marines. Since when does a superior officer salute their subordinate? Fake president.
You're one of two marines, cream of the crop, new to the job and for the past few years or so your instructor beat that shit into you at training, and you dare forget to salute your commander-in-chief?
I won't downvote you though, it's not something we regular people have considered in our normal lives.
Thanks, dont know why i got all the downvotes for just playing devils advocate. I dont know how it all works in america lol. All I know is I'd be very nervous if I was one of those two marine's and I forget things all the time when i'm in that state.
I'll be honest with you, I wasn't sure if you were trolling or not because there's lots of information around here that answer your question. Heck if you overcome the shock of the downvotes, have a good read of all the comments in this post here and learn what the Marines and the military mean to Americans. I'm Australian myself, so I take extra time to familiarise myself with the way Americans see how things work before I participate in the discussions myself.
There's also the fact that we're asking a rhetorical question: "Why aren't the marines saluting Biden?" It implies that a President should always be saluted by the Marines, that the Marines are disciplined to follow protocol, that Marines are among the best, and Honour Guard Marines the best of the best, and that Biden himself is not worthy of a salute because he is not being recognised as being the President, which is the point of this post.
A lot of these traditions are sacred. Wouldn't want to give them to some usurper.
But for optics reasons and playing along for the show, I wouldn't be surprised if they just made up something to appease the consciences of the masses and make it seem legit but not an actual procedure meaning anything. Hence these things not lining up with typical salutes that ACTUALLY exist.
I found this...but notice the last little paragraph that says
"Gun salutes are also rendered to other military and civilian leaders of this and other nations. The number of guns is based on their protocol rank. These salutes are always in odd numbers."
But that Biden clip they had 10 shots. Even numbers. Even more credence to the idea that he's not....anything?
*edit - Ok I just found this clip from ABC but it cuts off after the 16th shot. Not sure if anyone anywhere has a clip where you can see or hear all 21 shots. But there's no question it's at 9 second intervals instead of 3 like Trump's and others' were. Just want to make sure.
wow they are worlds apart. Trumps salute had enthusiasm and 3 cannons firing. Biden's was about as limp as him walking onto a stage, only 2 cannons firing.
For a total of 10 shots, 5 each cannon. What the hell is that? I thought even if they weren't doing it for the President they still came in odd numbers, but that's an even number. Is that what they do for traitors or something?
There's always an extra cannon ready to go if the 'expected' cannon in sequence has a hesitation. Watch the Trump inauguration salute. You can see the cannon 2 having issues and the backup sounding 3 times in the salute.
It's gonna be like a scene right out of Showgirls. Biden walks up to the edge of a long steep staircase and Kamala "trips" and "accidentally" pushes him down, down, down . . . .
I'm a bit on the skeptical side but uhh.. this is kind of a big deal. Any time I come across info like this I always try be reasonable and find explanations. We all should. But this this right here.... Well, there is simply no way to explain this. Either Joe Biden gets a "Presidential" salute or he doesn't.
What video did you watch for Biden? The one above I watched twice and there were only 2 out of the 3 guns used, and they each fired 5 times for a total of 10 shots. Do you have a longer clip maybe? Can you link me the one you watched? Here's the one I watched:
There is literally no way to tell from that video. Despite being a C-span live feed it cuts out multiple times during the shooting. If I just go off what I hear, there was like a 30 second pause at one point between shots. I just don't know what to make of this whole thing. Right now the only two things I notice that are truly different is the behavior of the soldiers who actually call out the salute (they never do--they just call for the first shot without announcing what kind of salute it will be or what the intervals will be--odd when you compare it with Trump's), and then of course the intervals weren't at 3 seconds.
I have yet to see a video where 21 shots are clearly heard though. I'm really befuddled on that point as it stands.
Hmm. Its pretty clear something is off. There is no way the entire military knows the truth. If they did we would know, but it wouldn't surprise me if the commanders knew and they were telling their men what to do. I have a sneaky suspicion we will all know the truth soon. They can't keep this up for long.
At this point either Biden knows he's not president but playing a part or Biden is so ridden with dementia he THINKS he's president and people are telling him that he is and they (all his people) know exactly what's going on and have cut plea bargains and this is part of the deal.
The undecorated Marine almost always walking in front of Biden in his inauguration then directing their every step, not saluting, turning his back on the "cic" vs. what could be the same decorated Marine who walks behind/beside Trump in his inauguration then inviting next steps, saluting proudly, and never turning his back on the real CIC.
Also note: the military on the steps at Xiden's inauguration - no medals, names, insignia's - a sham event vs. Trump's where military wearing everything for their HMFIC/CIC.
I wondered if we couldn't see medals, etc because they had overcoats on? Clearly the soldier assisting Trump & Melania to the Beast saluted Trump while the one putting Xiden in the car just turned around and walked away. Thanks for these links
There is an explanation for the overcoat without medals versus blues dress coat with medals from another post in the last 24h. It’s worth reading the comments for clarification. The saluting is another matter entirely IMO.
This new angle shows military escort does turn his back late and maybe more of an f.u. than completely turning your back as the NG did in other videos.
The clear difference in inaugurations is the military leads the way with Xiden vs. Trump leading the way.
but who would wear an overcoat?
The guy's not going to freeze to death.
He can always wear 2 undershirts if cold out.
He's not a snow flake or someone like that.
Toughen up folks!
That guy, "marine"? (fake marine?), could have been a last minute stand-in because the real guy said NO at the last second.
Maybe no medals at all, just a faker.
Quick, interview that guy.
Nope. Disappearo.
I was curious about that. I'll have to hunt it down unless you have a link to it? I remember my brother when he was a marine wore his dress blues to my HS graduation. Of course it was hot so he didn't wear an overcoat but I'll ask him what he thinks. Unfortunately, though he's an avid Trump supporter, he thinks I'm a loon for not believing it's all over and our country is finished
Yeah I asked my brother, ex Marine, and he said they don't put medals and such on over coats. I was really hoping they did. But you're right, too many other things suspect.
At Trumps inauguration the Marines holding the door did not salute for him as he exited, cant find the part where he enters though. Maybe they dont salute because they are on door duty ?
Notice the Marine exits BEFORE the pretend President.
You will also notice a HUGE difference in the military parade and watch how the Marine officer at Trump's Inauguration keeps intentional pace with the President and gives him a very strong salute before Trump he gets into the Beast.
I don't know if this means anything, hopefully a VetAnon on here might be able to, but at Trump's inauguration, the Marine escorting the President was highly decorated while the Marine escorting Biden showed no rank or insignia. Does this hold meaning in the military? I am really curious about this one.
They dont see him as a foriegn dignitary
They see him as a dead man walking.
That's the reason.
Dignitary implies respect.
He has earned none.
What do people always say when someone wrongs them.
"They're DEAD to me."
Dead man walking.
“The choreography of an inauguration is precise. The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is called forward. The President-elect recites the oath, right hand raised, left hand on the Bible. As the words, "So help me God," leave his lips, the Army fires a 21-gun salute, a bracing signal that he now commands the most powerful military in human history.”
Can we settle down with the marines didn't salute Biden? They didn't salute Trump either at his inauguration, they are holding the door. And the video whre biden repeated his earpiece was at the capitol not the white house.
George H. W. Bush also had 4 guns at his funeral. Are ya'll SURE this is an obvious marker? Please show me videos of other presidential 21 gun salutes being like Trump's with 4 guns and no pauses, and I'll be convinced. Hard time finding this.
Former military pede: Marines not saluting when Biden walks in is to me the biggest most telling thing of all. Those guys are highly vetted and would be out on their ass so fast it would make their head spin if they were trying to make a personal statement by not saluting. If we continue to see this trend then something is going on.
Question.... Was Biden officially sworn at this point - if so, this is really a "head scratcher"
As far as I can tell yes but I don't know the full context of the clip. Also reports he was blocked from pentagon and AF1. There is more weird shit going on than I have ever seen in my life. Either we are in the middle of the full scale push or this is an act they are keeping up in public while being arrested and crap
Well, we know he was blocked from the AF1 before he was inaugurated.
But we don't know at this moment.
Wasn't Christopher C Miller in charge when that happened?
Well, now he's not, so we'll see
Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are also only 2 AF1’s. Both fly, one as a distraction when flying the President. Since Trump took AF1 to Florida, there would not have been an opportunity to fly Biden.
AF1 is the call sign ONLY when the president is aboard.
Even the freakin' speaker of the house and other lower-ranking govt officials routinely travel on govt / .MIL aircraft.
Example: SecState has their own dedicated aircraft, etc.
I remember there was a big scandal a few years ago when the total cost of pelosi's GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT USE was exposed; it was something insane like $2mm per year or something and the biggest thing that caught fire was her alcohol tab; something like $60k for one year or something totally insane like that.....
Anyone else old enough to remember that?
Anyway....point'd think SOMEONE SOMEWHERE in the ENTIRE fucking US Govt would be able to scrounge up SOME SORT of a gov aircraft to fly around the "new" POTUS.
It again makes just zero sense that xiden flew private......
Talk about a security risk.....not that I care, personally......but USSS should.....theoretically.....
Devil’s advocate: could the Biden team have been afraid that Trump would pull something dramatic (I.e get him killed) coming in on a military aircraft, and so went with a private jet where he could control the hiring of the crew?
Before or after doesn’t matter point is he was and it’s never happened
It does matter. Chris C Miller was in charge when that happened. Now he's not.
But we shall know soon, I hope.
I have a question since you are former military. All these "clips" showing Biden getting disrespect regarding AF!, the 21 gun salute, nuclear football, Marines not saluting, etc. Are maybe we taking parts of these clips to confirm our side of what's going on? Could we just not be seeing the whole pic? I am NOT a Biden fan at all, I'm just confused by clips showing what we "want" them to show. I also heard that Trump had the nuclear football go with him when he left DC on Wed. Would they have automatically taken it back to DC after AF1 dropped off Trump in FL?
I’m a Marine. Like the other military Pede above said, the clip showing the Marines not saluting Biden was the nail in the coffin for me. There’s no way they would have done that just because. I watched the “inauguration” and that clip happened AFTER he was supposedly sworn in.
There’s just no way in hell the Marines on Presidential duty would not have saluted Biden because they didn’t like him. If he were really President then they would have saluted him like they were supposed to then maybe talked shit about him later when higher ups weren’t around. But he would’ve still got the salute.
I understand your point and just want to ask this: for the Marines not to salute, they would have been told not to by someone. And those who turned their back would also have to be aware that Biden is not being accepted as a legit president and therefore advised to turn their backs. What, in your opinion would they be told to prompt not saluting and wouldn't they wonder why? Or if Biden is in fact, not viewed a legit by the military, wouldn't this be common knowledge among all the troops? I guess I'm just trying to figure out why they aren't talking about it and why it hasn't come out to the public.
From the research I have done, it also appears to be standard for some Marines to face the Presidential motorcade and for some to turn their backs (for security purposes). You can see a comparison online of the Biden vs. Trump inaugurations, and the military officers were in the same formation (some with backs turned) for Trump.
Those are valid questions I don’t really have an answer to. I know the saying “loose lips sink ships” so I can see how telling anyone the plan would put it at risk. But something is definitely fucky.
Semper Fi Devil Dog...... I agree, there's no way Marines assigned Presidential duty would openly disrespect the President of the United States.....
We're taught to respect/salute the Rank, not the person. That also applied to foreign officers, both ally and enemy.
Look at POW camps during WW2
The Marines "protocol" is slightly different from the other branches - if I remember correctly, you do not salute if You're out of uniform or not wearing your cover.
The media said that there are multiple nuclear footballs and potatus was given one at noon on the 20th. If true, you can't judge anything by the location of any football, because you don't know which one is active. I suspect this is disinformation, so we can't draw any conclusion from Trump taking it with him to FL
True. Trump could also be telling Biden that he accidentally "misplaced" AF1, and if he's patient, he just knows it'll turn up eventually ...
Maybe he parked it at is "other" mansions or something ... and Biden's so mentally far gone, that he believes him, because Biden definitely knows a thing or two about losing stuff / forgetting ... :)
Re: your question, it looks like Biden did in fact receive a 21-gun salute...
He did receive a salute, however that is not the point of this thread. It was the manner, form and what that form represents that is being pointed out.
I’m confused then. It appeared the original post was stating that he did NOT receive a 21-gun salute, but rather a 3-gun salute. But there is evidence that he did, in fact, receive a 21-gun salute. That was my point.
What the post is pointing out is that there are normally 4 cannons for the 21-gun salute, and the shots are fired at rapid succession. For Biden, there were only 3 cannons and they were fired off very slowly.
Thanks, you’re right.
We need real evidence here, not disinfo. Disinfo do not come from people our side; they are trying to confuse us.
Careful; you're risking a ban by going against the narrative here. You must accept all parts of the narrative without question.
That was a short clip that did not show all the shots.
youre wrong. this is a 21 gun salute. notice the difference?
Yeah weird it's almost like that's all Q has ever been since the very beginning. Confirmation bias taken to the extreme. You're so close to self-awareness, but not quite there yet.
I think the marines were at the door as Biden entered the White House. I dont believe he enters the White House before he is inaugurated as President.
Pretty sure I saw him walk out the door past the Marines who just stood there. Gotta watch it again I spose to verify, but it did really stand out to me.
White House was last stop
10 minutes early...cant have 2 Presidents at the same time. Nullifies the act in my thinking.
The timing is irrelevant. The Constitution simply states that the prior term ends at noon on the 20th. There is no mandated time for when the oath is to be taken by the successor. The only requirement is that they must take the oath before assuming office. It could be taken after the date and time of "transition" (see Zachary Taylor, for instance), but the successor isn't technically POTUS until he takes the oath. Also, nothing prevents the successor from taking the oath early, whether it's 10 minutes, 10 hours or 10 days. They just can't assume office until the expiration of the predecessor's term. So the theory that Trump took the oath early on the 11th, would be plausible as constitutionally valid if say, SCOTUS decided tomorrow that he actually won.
Have we ever had a president sworn in before the term of the previous president ended though? Even if nothing had prevented it, has it ever been done?
Nope, it's never been done before.
This is true. The timing/necessity of the oath to assume presidential powers has been a subject of debate for centuries.... for example, if LBJ had needed to make a crucial decision after JFK's moment of death but before they found someone to administer the oath to him would he have been able to, etc.
While there was nothing wrong with Biden taking the oath ten minutes early, it was yet another odd thing about a day filled with very odd things. Not illegal or improper, but it could be significant.
The 20th amendment where it states that the term ends at noon on the 20th, was approved by the 72nd Congress, March 2, 1932, a congress AFTER the Corporation of the UNITED STATES debacle.
The Constitution of the Nation of the United States does not include this amendment.
While I agree with the theory of illegal incorporation of DC in 1871, the problem is that all Amendments to the Constitution if ratified by the required number of states, must be considered part of the Constitution. Even if we are to argue that the Congresses since 1871 are of questionable legality, the states still ratified the Amendments nonetheless, and nobody is questioning the legality of the state governments. Where a lot of this 1871 incorporation theory gets lost, is that only DC was incorporated. The Congress had technically always been legal, at least in the sense that they states have constitutionally (barring fraud) elected and appointed representatives to go to the Capital. The problem is that DC is technically no longer sovereign territory of the United States Republic. So essentially, the Congress has been legally operating, but unfortunately on foreign territory, where they've been held hostage.
Dosent matter they could have sworn him in at 12am only difference is he couldn’t act as a president until 12pm The constitution Does not detail those things so they can do what they want or follow the “tradition”
Prove that statement then. This will be interesting.
Yes he was.
The clip is labelled everywhere as "Biden entering the Capitol" (not the WH), in all livestreams it is before the inauguration. What makes you think it is after the inauguration?
Edit: Perhas we are talking about different clips, I'm sorry for coming across as belligerent. The clip I was talking about is this one: which was before the inauguration. Others seem to write about another clip in front of the WH?
Biden was told in his earpiece to “Salute the Marines.” So, as told before, he repeated what his handler said in the earpiece.
We don't know what he heard on is earpiece. Maybe the earpiece person knows he isn't legit & to avoid bad optics told Biden "Don't salute marines" and Biden just repeated the last part.
I heard "Good looking Marines" when I originally saw that video myself. Does he even have a earpiece? I suggest watching it again.
I guess he likes the good looking marines.
The alleged ear-piece-fail is here at pretty much 30:00: before inauguration. This is also the clip usually cited as proof for Marines refusing to salute/Biden refusing to salute. I'm not sure the "salute the marines" line makes sense, since the president elect would probably (but I don't know!) not be expected to salute anyway? Is the president elect not simply a civilian before inauguration?
I heard "good looking marines"
No, it just means Biden took the oath early. Nothing in the constitution says the oath has to occur after noon on the 20th; it only says that’s when power is transferred.
There’s other evidence the inauguration was fake, but that’s not it.
I agree. Plus, Trump took oath at 11:47 a.m. in 2017.
Marines are under the direct control of the President, that's why they were created. Them not saluting is a 100% tell that they don't see him as President. It's all playing out and hopefully it will end soon, we're all a pucker factor 1000
Well, Marines were created to provide support on ships, which developed into ship boarding and then amphibious assaults. That's why our Marines Corps was created too, not as some supposed POTUS body guard. However, over the years Marines have been more utilized for the purpose of added security for POTUS and the WH. The reason being is that there are less statutory laws restricting the control over and capabilities of Marines (Navy) than the other branches... for instance, the Posse Comitatus Act doesn't apply to the Navy or Coast Guard
Forgive me if I'm mistaken ... but marines are not part of the Navy. They are part of the Army. The division is as follows:
all of which report to the DOD along with the NG and CG. DOD reports to POTUS (CiC).
The Marine Corps are under the Department of the Navy
Right my bad, just double checked ... makes sense considering they deal with water.
Marines are within the Department of the Navy, as are the SEALs. You might be thinking of the Army Rangers?
Technically the Air Force was created from within the Army. Originally it was the Army Air Corps. And I believe Space Force falls under this department chain. Constitution specifies only the creation of the Army and Navy (granted, the Framers never envisioned an air force...) so to be irrefutablly sound under the Constitution, the branches must trace their creation through either the Army or Navy.
Joint Chiefs are simply advisors to POTUS and nothing more.
AND you are quite correct...RETIRED AF...
Chill out there friend. Berating fellow patriots isn't how we do things here. He knows he made a mistake, he even admitted to it over 20 minutes before you flew off the handle.
Mods take this forum and it's rules extremely seriously. Contribute here respectfully or you'll be gone.
Relax brother. Maybe he's a kid or not American. Like Pink Floyd said "Good manners doesn't cost anything.".
God bless.
delta is army btw if were being honest here
I'm not. My plan is in place should it turn out to be Biden is in command...
It's good to have a plan.
Ty for that. Marines are held to such a high standard I couldn't imagine the brass tolerating that right now unless.....
Not just being a marine, the billet that they serve in to be around the president is prestigious. It is beyond just being a marine. Similar in quality to The Old Guard at Arlington. You don’t get to try out for it you’re hand selected and voluntold to do it.
Voluntold. I love that term.
The US MARINES ARE considered the PRESIDENT'S OWN...anyone involved with the President is super vetted...AND THEY are the ONLY one that carry weapons EXCEPT outside of an Air Force Base in which the Air Force Security Forces take over...and there are Security Forces on the AF-1 that take care of the AF-1 when it traverses the world...
cool. and good to know! I just have so much respect for marines.
On top of that, they're Honor Guard Marines... So Marine standard times a billion...
This is probably the best evidence to sooth my doubts.
I would prefer evidence like Biden not being in the white house signing executive orders.
Gotta let him play some cards so people can see the truth. Yes it sucks for the 70,000 jobs, but they are covered on severance and unemployment for a while.
The remaining normies need to see and accept he's bad so when they flip the switch, the outcry will be less and people will actually be in support of rounding up Antifa
This makes no sense at all. “Despite all the crimes and treason you’ve already committed, we need to let you destroy the country and give China an opportunity to invade Taiwan before we can do anything about it.”
That’s where I’m at now. “They need to complete the crime!” Well, HOW MANY FUCKING CRIMES???
It’s not that they need to complete the crime - I personally hate those comments as well & totally disagree with them.
Rather: I subscribe to the idea that things need to be done in this way in order to break the conditioning and decades of propaganda/psychological warfare conducted on the American public. If they just straight up arrested everyone one day, no amount of explaining would be enough to convince people of the truth - all they would see is a dictator taking over the country & eliminating all opposition. The process playing out right now is how we show the people the truth & make it have a lasting & genuine impact despite the years of conditioning.
He has to be exercising authority publically to be considered a billigerent occupant
the fact that these two salutes are very different means a lot. the US army would not screw it up, they chose to do it different. and yes i believe it was a signal to the rest of the world that the DoD does not stand behind Biden.
Best comment in the video was that this was to respect all the dead voters that voted Xiden
Not the same at all. Trumps was very powerful as it should be for the president but the same cannot be side for Biden’s.
Very different. I don't know the different types, but those sure as heck aren't the same.
Is the last gun there as a backup in case there's a problem with the others?
I noticed only 2/3 firing for Biden and 3/4 for Trump.
Yep, always a backup cannon in addition to the ones firing in case of a malfunction.
Yep, after Trump's Swearing of the Oath, the 2nd gun misfired thrice in a row:
Well if you're superstitious or took it as a sign of God, you might've taken this as a sign that Trump's first term was not going to be smooth (impeachment, antifa riots, election fraud, other DS shenanigans), but after that it fired smoothly, so here's to a smooth transition to a new Trump administration.
Why did the soldiers in the inaugural parade throw their hats on the ground?
I saw a ton of hats on the floor and it didn't look windy or anything.
Abunch of the conial soldiers threw their tricorner hats on the ground
So it's the modern equivalent of throwing down the gauntlet. Nice.
Spent 8 years in the Corps, the Marine didn’t salute Biden. Let that set in. Biden’s earpiece made him say salute the Marines. Since when does a superior officer salute their subordinate? Fake president.
what if the marines were new and simply forgot? just devil advocate
Not how it works...
It's my first day on the job and I'm doing the most important job of them all!
lol...sounds as crazy as that.
You're one of two marines, cream of the crop, new to the job and for the past few years or so your instructor beat that shit into you at training, and you dare forget to salute your commander-in-chief?
I won't downvote you though, it's not something we regular people have considered in our normal lives.
Thanks, dont know why i got all the downvotes for just playing devils advocate. I dont know how it all works in america lol. All I know is I'd be very nervous if I was one of those two marine's and I forget things all the time when i'm in that state.
I'll be honest with you, I wasn't sure if you were trolling or not because there's lots of information around here that answer your question. Heck if you overcome the shock of the downvotes, have a good read of all the comments in this post here and learn what the Marines and the military mean to Americans. I'm Australian myself, so I take extra time to familiarise myself with the way Americans see how things work before I participate in the discussions myself.
There's also the fact that we're asking a rhetorical question: "Why aren't the marines saluting Biden?" It implies that a President should always be saluted by the Marines, that the Marines are disciplined to follow protocol, that Marines are among the best, and Honour Guard Marines the best of the best, and that Biden himself is not worthy of a salute because he is not being recognised as being the President, which is the point of this post.
We should start a REAL fact check website!
I already consider this a fact check site
Please no fact check sites. Encourage research Haha
this is a good point. Any time there is a designated "fact check" it encourages laziness and blind acceptance.
Post sources if you got 'em. Be the change you want to see on the internet.
Funerals get 5 second intervals.
21 gun salutes get 3 second intervals.
I have no idea what a 9-10 second interval means. I haven't seen any support for 10 second interval meaning a foreign dignitary.
I'm having a hard time finding meaning for the 10-second interval, too.
Any military pedes out there who can explain?
A lot of these traditions are sacred. Wouldn't want to give them to some usurper.
But for optics reasons and playing along for the show, I wouldn't be surprised if they just made up something to appease the consciences of the masses and make it seem legit but not an actual procedure meaning anything. Hence these things not lining up with typical salutes that ACTUALLY exist.
Do you have a source for us to confirm this? I can't find anything about intervals, just the number of guns used.
I found two websites that talk about the intervals between shots. Not sure how legitimate the sites are, but they both say the same thing, that it should be 3 seconds for the president.
In the Trump 21 gun salute clip above the soldier yells out "in 3 second intervals!" so they clearly care about the intervals.
I found this...but notice the last little paragraph that says
"Gun salutes are also rendered to other military and civilian leaders of this and other nations. The number of guns is based on their protocol rank. These salutes are always in odd numbers."
But that Biden clip they had 10 shots. Even numbers. Even more credence to the idea that he's not....anything?
*edit - Ok I just found this clip from ABC but it cuts off after the 16th shot. Not sure if anyone anywhere has a clip where you can see or hear all 21 shots. But there's no question it's at 9 second intervals instead of 3 like Trump's and others' were. Just want to make sure.
And how many guns did biden have? 3
There were 3 but only 2 were firing.
Trump had 3 and all were firing rappidly.
Trump had 4.
Ah. Was hard to see with that chad display of constant firing.
wow they are worlds apart. Trumps salute had enthusiasm and 3 cannons firing. Biden's was about as limp as him walking onto a stage, only 2 cannons firing.
For a total of 10 shots, 5 each cannon. What the hell is that? I thought even if they weren't doing it for the President they still came in odd numbers, but that's an even number. Is that what they do for traitors or something?
Fuck I want answers on this fast.
under history
list in wiki of odd number salutes
can't find a definite answer on 10 other than death , seen 1 other source for 10gun meant for death of a soldier but lost the source.
There's always an extra cannon ready to go if the 'expected' cannon in sequence has a hesitation. Watch the Trump inauguration salute. You can see the cannon 2 having issues and the backup sounding 3 times in the salute.
I'm not crying foul with the number of extra cannons. I just noticed there were 4 total at Trump's (3 used) and only 3 total at Biden's (2 used).
Was it possible there was s an actual funeral going on?
Kamala was jut getting ahead of herself
It's gonna be like a scene right out of Showgirls. Biden walks up to the edge of a long steep staircase and Kamala "trips" and "accidentally" pushes him down, down, down . . . .
Kamala’s head really does get her places, doesn’t it?
I’m not a big believer in Q but there are way too many “coincidences” and events like these that make me believe.
Exactly... Q or not something fucky is going on...
I'm a bit on the skeptical side but uhh.. this is kind of a big deal. Any time I come across info like this I always try be reasonable and find explanations. We all should. But this this right here.... Well, there is simply no way to explain this. Either Joe Biden gets a "Presidential" salute or he doesn't.
Joe Biden did not get a "Presidential" salute.
Yup there are not any "maybe's" in the military. He did not receive the Presidential Salute. Plain and simple. That absolutely says something.
Wild stuff.
This cheers me up a little.
I thought the presidential salute only required 21 shots and timing between didn't matter much. Foreign dignitaries get 19 shots I think.
Timing matters. Everything the military does is precise.
I counted 17 shots and 19 rounds removed from the pile.
What video did you watch for Biden? The one above I watched twice and there were only 2 out of the 3 guns used, and they each fired 5 times for a total of 10 shots. Do you have a longer clip maybe? Can you link me the one you watched? Here's the one I watched:
I heard 17 in this one. Somebody else said they heard 19. There are 19 missing round from the racks on the ground. I assume 2 are in the loaders hand.
There is literally no way to tell from that video. Despite being a C-span live feed it cuts out multiple times during the shooting. If I just go off what I hear, there was like a 30 second pause at one point between shots. I just don't know what to make of this whole thing. Right now the only two things I notice that are truly different is the behavior of the soldiers who actually call out the salute (they never do--they just call for the first shot without announcing what kind of salute it will be or what the intervals will be--odd when you compare it with Trump's), and then of course the intervals weren't at 3 seconds.
I have yet to see a video where 21 shots are clearly heard though. I'm really befuddled on that point as it stands.
Nah go look it up
This. Media + Big Tech + Desperation = holy shit now I'm questioning the moon landing..
It was conclusive for me. We haven't been there yet.
thx for link, still researching this
I never completely ruled out that theory.
Hmm. Its pretty clear something is off. There is no way the entire military knows the truth. If they did we would know, but it wouldn't surprise me if the commanders knew and they were telling their men what to do. I have a sneaky suspicion we will all know the truth soon. They can't keep this up for long.
Most of the boots on the ground don't deal with those high level instructions.
They're just told by their commanding officer, "Hey go guard that building make sure no crazy people try to break the door in or burn it down."
And that's about as much as they're told.
At this point either Biden knows he's not president but playing a part or Biden is so ridden with dementia he THINKS he's president and people are telling him that he is and they (all his people) know exactly what's going on and have cut plea bargains and this is part of the deal.
I'm wondering Kamala's role in all of it.
MODS - please sticky this! It's pure hopium!
The undecorated Marine almost always walking in front of Biden in his inauguration then directing their every step, not saluting, turning his back on the "cic" vs. what could be the same decorated Marine who walks behind/beside Trump in his inauguration then inviting next steps, saluting proudly, and never turning his back on the real CIC.
Xiden inauguration @ 4:39:00
Trump Inauguration @ 6:40:40
Also note: the military on the steps at Xiden's inauguration - no medals, names, insignia's - a sham event vs. Trump's where military wearing everything for their HMFIC/CIC.
I wondered if we couldn't see medals, etc because they had overcoats on? Clearly the soldier assisting Trump & Melania to the Beast saluted Trump while the one putting Xiden in the car just turned around and walked away. Thanks for these links
There is an explanation for the overcoat without medals versus blues dress coat with medals from another post in the last 24h. It’s worth reading the comments for clarification. The saluting is another matter entirely IMO.
You are correct! Thanks for the comment. Medals apparently not required with overcoat. Here's the link:
Different angle DOES show military escort saluting Xiden @ 4:04:15:
This new angle shows military escort does turn his back late and maybe more of an f.u. than completely turning your back as the NG did in other videos.
The clear difference in inaugurations is the military leads the way with Xiden vs. Trump leading the way.
but who would wear an overcoat?
The guy's not going to freeze to death.
He can always wear 2 undershirts if cold out. He's not a snow flake or someone like that.
Toughen up folks!
I believe they chose to wear overcoats on purpose, to give them an excuse to not wear their decorations.
That guy, "marine"? (fake marine?), could have been a last minute stand-in because the real guy said NO at the last second.
Maybe no medals at all, just a faker.
Quick, interview that guy.
Nope. Disappearo.
I was curious about that. I'll have to hunt it down unless you have a link to it? I remember my brother when he was a marine wore his dress blues to my HS graduation. Of course it was hot so he didn't wear an overcoat but I'll ask him what he thinks. Unfortunately, though he's an avid Trump supporter, he thinks I'm a loon for not believing it's all over and our country is finished
This was the post from a few days ago. If you Look at one of the Bush inaugurations you’ll find a similar overcoat clad General with no medals. That doesn’t mean other things aren’t suspect.
Yeah I asked my brother, ex Marine, and he said they don't put medals and such on over coats. I was really hoping they did. But you're right, too many other things suspect.
At Trumps inauguration the Marines holding the door did not salute for him as he exited, cant find the part where he enters though. Maybe they dont salute because they are on door duty ?
Now this an excellent find!! Definitely can see the military members present w/ no insignia or badges at Xiden's inauguration as opposed to Trump's...
If you want to see the BIGGEST difference between the two inaugurations that shows you the military is in control.
Trump Inauguration (Go to Timestamp 6:40:30):
Notice how the Marine exits AFTER the President.
Biden Inauguration:
Notice the Marine exits BEFORE the pretend President.
You will also notice a HUGE difference in the military parade and watch how the Marine officer at Trump's Inauguration keeps intentional pace with the President and gives him a very strong salute before Trump he gets into the Beast.
I don't know if this means anything, hopefully a VetAnon on here might be able to, but at Trump's inauguration, the Marine escorting the President was highly decorated while the Marine escorting Biden showed no rank or insignia. Does this hold meaning in the military? I am really curious about this one.
Second video is down. Would you happen to have a mirror?
I had the parade on with no sound and was surprised to see so many lines so not straight. Very odd for the best of the best
They dont see him as a foriegn dignitary They see him as a dead man walking. That's the reason. Dignitary implies respect. He has earned none. What do people always say when someone wrongs them. "They're DEAD to me." Dead man walking.
I was dismissing from the get go the Biden mask theory and pictures but maybe he got that salute because he's dead. ;)
“The choreography of an inauguration is precise. The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is called forward. The President-elect recites the oath, right hand raised, left hand on the Bible. As the words, "So help me God," leave his lips, the Army fires a 21-gun salute, a bracing signal that he now commands the most powerful military in human history.”
CNN (I know, forgive me) article dated 1/11/21
Guess no one gave them the heads up, that’s not how the Biden “inauguration” was going to go down!!!
There was no 21 Gun Salute after Biden was “sworn in” and certainly not as the above quoted words left his lips. ?
Mmmmmmmmm so THATs the shot heard round the world. Love it.
Really interesting and encouraging.
This is the best movie that I have watched in years. ?? WWG1WGA
Regardless of how many shots they fired or at what interval.
I'm just really fucking disappointed that they missed Biden!
Can we settle down with the marines didn't salute Biden? They didn't salute Trump either at his inauguration, they are holding the door. And the video whre biden repeated his earpiece was at the capitol not the white house.
Very nice! Thank you.
George H. W. Bush also had 4 guns at his funeral. Are ya'll SURE this is an obvious marker? Please show me videos of other presidential 21 gun salutes being like Trump's with 4 guns and no pauses, and I'll be convinced. Hard time finding this.
EDIT: Found this of a salute done in 2013 for Obama (not inauguration but for him) just like Trump's.
Has a president ever been given the salute that they gave Biden?
The salute, per CNN opinion article is given just after inaugurated Pres says “So help me god.”
Is true in linked video from Obama, was true for Trump, not true for Biden
I cant quit you
No I didn’t catch that thanks
Pres trump was better to the armed forces than any other in history and was overwhelmingly loved by them AND STILL IS..
I suspect many see Biden as a bastard Pres and still hope and look for GEOTUS return. their true CinC.
Biden is a foreign dignitary, as he is the President of the foreign entity DC.