Q is totally fake guys, please ignore the time Q predicted Trumps speech about Iran 3 weeks before he said it and specifically told anons to look out for it.

keep them coming, this is how you get the lazy ones
Also if you google "MARK IT DOWN" you get to see Pompeo use it against Iran and nukes
Check new dawg
I really appreciate your commitment to showing the MSM Mockingbird Media just how fake Q is. At this point it’s obvious we should just drop the letter Q from the alphabet. Keep it up, anon.
I'm stealing this tactic for real life. I was always pointing out the Q and old theories but no one had any of it. Maybe calling Q fake then showing a proof with an event and repeating fake will make them see it differently and move forward themselves. Good reverse psychology. People do like to argue the opposite when presented an idea. Qisfake.com and posting are all like this one.
Yes. Very effective. You must always meet your adversary in the battlefield. in this case the battlefield is their mind so you must meet the person mentally at the same level they already exist in order to break them free. If you want to break your friend out of prison you must first break into the prison. This method is effective for breaking into their prison. They let you in because you bypass the propaganda conditioning. Yuri Bezmenov said there is no way to break demoralization conditioning but he was wrong. He is right that there is no way to break down the door....but if the other side opens the door willingly you have a chance.
Great response too. I'll check Yuri. Them opening the door is my belief as well but couldn't get the method right. This is the one I think. Making fun of Q. If they say hmmm, they'll go through the door. Simple proofs is my guess but I'll have to guess brain levels to be on their level so different ones. Thanks for the inspiration in this section of engagement of the battlefield. I'll be going through your posts.
Brain level is one. Propaganda acceptance. Always provide the simplest Q proofs. And remember. They don't have to ACCEPT Q. It is not about Q. They have to become curious and inquisitive. Then they will redpill themselves.
MODS y'all should be stickying a good proof every day.
Keep vibes up for long-timers and awesome rep for newbies
This wasn’t a prediction. Trump literally said Bigger problems to come with Iran on April 24 at a dinner. If you read the 8th paragraph it’s right there from the 24th. The Q post even says that POTUS today mark it down bigger problems to come saying that he said it today. Why is a surprise he would repeat that line in a speech? This is some awful proof. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/04/24/politics/trump-macron-state-dinner/index.html
I'm kind of tired. If you have some proofs please share. You can use the "Q is totally fake intro" I think a lot of people like it. Also using that line works to break the power of embarrassment that shills are using here. Associate the line Q is totally fake with a positive message affirming the truth of Q.
Yes. I have done similar but not saved on this computer.
link? That would be great to pull and make into memes. sometimes people will not have the patience to watch a 5 minute video but something about a static image that only takes 2 seconds to look at that is appealing to this instant gratification generation.