Most people haven't, but that's because most churches are there to attract people, not to teach doctrines. It's become a show, and entertainment, with a pop music band and a brief 20 minute feel good sermon. Church is supposed to teach you the deep things of God and his Word, but since the bible is a very negative book in many parts, they completely ignore it. There are churches that now have signs welcoming sodomites, and have people who live in open fornication as Sunday school teachers and who host other events in the name of the church. The bible says that people who live in fornication should be thrown out of the church. People who are drunks are to be cast out of the church. Sodomites are worthy of death. They are reprobate, and dangerous predators. Read Jude, read Roman's chapter one. Read Leviticus 20:13. God does not tell us to love, welcome, and accept everyone. David, the man after Gods own heart, said Do not I hate them O Lord, that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those who rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemy.
Most people hate this Pastor, but he got me saved and into church, serving God, knocking doors preaching the Gospel, reading the entire bible multiple times from cover to cover. Steven Anderson, Roger Jimenez, Aaron Thompson, my pastor Obinna Ofoegbu (Love Assembly Baptist church, which is where I attend), Tommy McMurtry. These are great pastors who preach the entire counsel of God.
I hadn't heard that before.
Most people haven't, but that's because most churches are there to attract people, not to teach doctrines. It's become a show, and entertainment, with a pop music band and a brief 20 minute feel good sermon. Church is supposed to teach you the deep things of God and his Word, but since the bible is a very negative book in many parts, they completely ignore it. There are churches that now have signs welcoming sodomites, and have people who live in open fornication as Sunday school teachers and who host other events in the name of the church. The bible says that people who live in fornication should be thrown out of the church. People who are drunks are to be cast out of the church. Sodomites are worthy of death. They are reprobate, and dangerous predators. Read Jude, read Roman's chapter one. Read Leviticus 20:13. God does not tell us to love, welcome, and accept everyone. David, the man after Gods own heart, said Do not I hate them O Lord, that hate thee? And am not I grieved with those who rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemy.
Most people hate this Pastor, but he got me saved and into church, serving God, knocking doors preaching the Gospel, reading the entire bible multiple times from cover to cover. Steven Anderson, Roger Jimenez, Aaron Thompson, my pastor Obinna Ofoegbu (Love Assembly Baptist church, which is where I attend), Tommy McMurtry. These are great pastors who preach the entire counsel of God.