Just want your opinion on X-22 and BardFM. A lot of what they say lines up with what I read here. They are easy to listen to, therefore easy to recommend to others. I’m just curious as to your opinion of them.
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Bards is better imo
I listen to both daily. Bards is more realistic to me. He doesnt seem to act like he knows what's going to happen next, but never wavered in his faith. And he opens / closes his reports with prayer, most if not all the time.
I just found Bards a few weeks ago. I've been listening to X22, SGT Report and the Health Ranger for years. Sometimes I look through the comments on the X22 Bitchute: it's pure venom against Dave! I can't believe those shills aren't getting paid.
Never heard of health ranger. I’ll check it out. Thanks
He runs Natural News and has occasionally guest hosted for Alex Jones, so he's been around for a long time.
Affiliated with Alex Jones.... I'm out!
Is that Mike Adams?
Mike Adams. He is an Alex Jones clone, and just about as trustworthy as Jones if you get my drift. Same with Jerome Corsi another Jones spin off.
I kinda like Mike Adams. He is friends with Alex Jones, but he is also independent from him. It can't be guilt by association. I'm sure most everyone here likes Mark Dice, and he has a sort of relationship with Jones too.
Most of those who discuss Q without saying they have spoken to Q are probably worth listening to.
I like Juan O Savin (#1 imo), X22, and BardsFM, but there are so many more things worth delving into.
Where do you listen to Juan O Savin? I couldn’t find him on rumble or youtube.
Jennifer Mac on Rumble has short movies with Juan. Roseanne Barr has interviewed Juan several times on YouTube. Sean Stone interviewed him yesterday on Bitchute. Go watch Jennifer Mac's THE CALLED...it's Juan and for the real Patriots from Jan6. I think Juan is the real deal. Said Biden would be inaugurated. Says it's not over.
Juan is usually a guest.
He gives interviews with other people. I search for him by name and sort by date. Yesterday he gave an amazing interview. Its a must see.
Also pay attention to the board. They are always posted by someone (usually several times). You can search here.
Where's juan o'savin at, if i search i can only find older than two weeks old videos, and it's with others, does he have a regular livestream or podcast? If so where?
He isn't a content creator. He is more...supposedly...in the field.
I searched "Juan" on Bitchute and found an interview with him today. https://www.bitchute.com/video/IpCgtb3FWoMb/ Try this link too and maybe you'll get all that I'm seeing. https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=juan&kind=video&sort=new
Is Bards on Rumble??
I like listening to X22 while I clean. Dave keeps me company and keeps me calm and hopeful. I've only started listening after the stolen election. I am sure I missed a lot.
Pod bean. Never heard of it before bards. Someone here posted a link
Bards.fm is where I listen
How can I follow Bards now that he is kicked off YouTube?
Podbean. I think that is the new Bards HQ
He is still on YouTube.
I listen on podbean every day. He said since they were kicked off of youtube they are creating their own website which might take a couple of days but for now he is casting on podbean.
Where's a good place to access their podcasts?
When I look them up, I always seem to find shows dating to December, or mid Jan. Where's the daily beef?
X22report.com, Bitchute, Rumble.
Apple podcast is delayed.