posted ago by Pond_Watcher ago by Pond_Watcher +4 / -1

Found this archived video from The Hill from 12/20. (sorry for the YT link...)

JB/KH - supposed call with civil rights leaders.
Key timestamps: [2:17, 4:03, 4:53]

In the clips, Biden talks about what he won't do with EO's, tempering the passion of the liberals. He lays out that he won't go against what is allowed by the Constitution, but will work to cancel every EO from GEOTUS ('this guy') that is within Constitutional powers.

He even makes a note that he specifically not do an EO to ban assault weapons, as that is not with his Constitutional authority.

The strong talk of Biden in these clips is not the same Bidan that is signing EO's, avoiding questions and bumbling around Casa Blanco (or alternate movie set). This points strongly to me on the body double theory that many other pedes have put forward (it's the earlobes!), or that he has made a deal and playing his role.

Love this community and glad to have found a place of research. Can't wait to see how the movie ends (but no datefagging)