You have not listened to a word I said, have you? I know exactly what he said and meant! That still does not make it right or okay to take the most sacred thing to us Christians and Mock it there is 1000s things he could have done to get his point across and your right he was trying to offend us and he was right it did and he lost me as a fan for good because I have a line in the sand and he crossed it! Sorry that Me being a Christian and standing for my morals insults you, It sounds like a personal problem to me! It's funny he never has made fun of Muslims or Buddhists or any religion why pick Christianity? Sorry that I was trying to help other Christians see through the bs and thank for you judging the person I'am show how great of a person you really are, I'll be praying for you! Nobody has answered me about the hail satan line I guess that was not a dig at Christians to right? If this was a rap board or almost any other I would have kept my mouth shut since this is a pro-Christian board I shared my thoughts, How horrible I must be! Lock me up ?? If your not a Christian then you should have not cared one bit, my message was not for you! Now if you are a fairweather Christian and have to argue why you want to listen to music that goes against the word of The Heavenly Father you want to call yourself a Christian but don't want the responsibilities that come with it then that's a problem that's between you and The Father!
You have not listened to a word I said, have you? I know exactly what he said and meant! That still does not make it right or okay to take the most sacred thing to us Christians and Mock it there is 1000s things he could have done to get his point across and your right he was trying to offend us and he was right it did and he lost me as a fan for good because I have a line in the sand and he crossed it! Sorry that Me being a Christian and standing for my morals insults you, It sounds like a personal problem to me! It's funny he never has made fun of Muslims or Buddhists or any religion why pick Christianity? Sorry that I was trying to help other Christians see through the bs and thank for you judging the person I'am show how great of a person you really are, I'll be praying for you! Nobody has answered me about the hail satan line I guess that was not a dig at Christians to right? If this was a rap board or almost any other I would have kept my mouth shut since this is a pro-Christian board I shared my thoughts, How horrible I must be! Lock me up ?? If your not a Christian then you should have not cared one bit, my message was not for you! Now if you are a fairweather Christian and have to argue why you want to listen to music that goes against the word of The Heavenly Father you want to call yourself a Christian but don't want the responsibilities that come with it then that's a problem that's between you and The Father!