What good is the opinion of someone who is corrupted? Not to say they all are corrupted in the supreme court but I would say more than a couple. Might as well listen to important words coming out of the mouth of a puppet. Until the election fraud is over, fuck the supreme court. They right up there with the department of no justice and the cover upper fbi.
yes, opinions
Supreme Court opinions are kinda, you know, important. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/opinions.aspx#:~:text=The%20term%20%22opinions%2C%22%20as,Court's%20judgment%20and%20its%20reasoning.
What good is the opinion of someone who is corrupted? Not to say they all are corrupted in the supreme court but I would say more than a couple. Might as well listen to important words coming out of the mouth of a puppet. Until the election fraud is over, fuck the supreme court. They right up there with the department of no justice and the cover upper fbi.