I am clinging to every bit of yes and maybe right now. It is tiring. I am blessed that my brother and my mum are on GA every bit as much as me. Really sympathise if a person is on their own - makes us mad bastards on here so vital.
However everyone else in my circle - they have moved on. No interest as these goons break democracy and make us prisoners. I am sick of appearing mad to everyone when all the time I want to say 'look you lazy arse, do your homework - its out there, there are millions of people like me. You say you are intelligent!'
What really gets me is that a really close friend is as asleep as you can get. Gets the arse if I talk about Trump. We never used to argue, now we argue all the time. He watched a BBC documentary recently on Trump and downloaded the latest fear prawn with the added bonus of Trump the Evil Dictator thrown in for good measure and now says that I AM DEVIL WORSHIPPING !!! Well cheered me up I guess. Wanker
Something break, let it all flow, don't hold back - let the truth come out. Then rub my friends nose in it - well I will for one. He utterly deserves it, fucking leftard x
God was going to decimate a city and told Jonah to go to the city and tell them they had to fast and atone and had literally one last chance to turn right. The city actually did it. God kept his word and didn't lay waste to the city.
Jonah got butthurt. He wanted that city to be laid out.
I must be getting old because I feel so little joy anymore I just don't want to be someone taking it from someone else. Rough learning is one thing - I just can't feel pleasure in it.
I am clinging to every bit of yes and maybe right now. It is tiring. I am blessed that my brother and my mum are on GA every bit as much as me. Really sympathise if a person is on their own - makes us mad bastards on here so vital. However everyone else in my circle - they have moved on. No interest as these goons break democracy and make us prisoners. I am sick of appearing mad to everyone when all the time I want to say 'look you lazy arse, do your homework - its out there, there are millions of people like me. You say you are intelligent!'
What really gets me is that a really close friend is as asleep as you can get. Gets the arse if I talk about Trump. We never used to argue, now we argue all the time. He watched a BBC documentary recently on Trump and downloaded the latest fear prawn with the added bonus of Trump the Evil Dictator thrown in for good measure and now says that I AM DEVIL WORSHIPPING !!! Well cheered me up I guess. Wanker
Something break, let it all flow, don't hold back - let the truth come out. Then rub my friends nose in it - well I will for one. He utterly deserves it, fucking leftard x
Read about Jonah in The Bible.
God was going to decimate a city and told Jonah to go to the city and tell them they had to fast and atone and had literally one last chance to turn right. The city actually did it. God kept his word and didn't lay waste to the city.
Jonah got butthurt. He wanted that city to be laid out.
I must be getting old because I feel so little joy anymore I just don't want to be someone taking it from someone else. Rough learning is one thing - I just can't feel pleasure in it.