I don't think so ... Look at the farce elections ...
SA -> South America -> Venezuela on 7/12/2020 ... Maduro wins control in what was more than likely a fraudulent election.
US -> USA -> Slow Chairman Joe Biden "defeats" POTUS on 11/3/20 in what looks like one hell of a fraudulent election to become POTATUS with a whore VP.
ASIA -> Today we have a coup in Myanmar because their recent election was a bunch of fraud.
EU -> I'd look to that Netherlands election in the EU in March ... Unless the is another before that.
It seems like the three that have taken place so far used the fraud voting machines too.
I would guess EU happened already. With all those people and governments resigning?
I don't think so ... Look at the farce elections ...
SA -> South America -> Venezuela on 7/12/2020 ... Maduro wins control in what was more than likely a fraudulent election.
US -> USA -> Slow Chairman Joe Biden "defeats" POTUS on 11/3/20 in what looks like one hell of a fraudulent election to become POTATUS with a whore VP.
ASIA -> Today we have a coup in Myanmar because their recent election was a bunch of fraud.
EU -> I'd look to that Netherlands election in the EU in March ... Unless the is another before that.
It seems like the three that have taken place so far used the fraud voting machines too.
I see, thanks