The 3 batches look to be stamped "unclassified" in 1980 and 1982. Most interesting is the letter from J. Edgar Hoover in batch 3 regarding Tesla's nephew the communist Yugoslavian government official that raided Tesla's hotel room the day after he died.
Unclassified those 40 years ago I believe.
Guess that makes this info slightly out of date if so.
ha ha, I just said the same thing. I know I read this stuff like middle of last year.
Thank you Lord For answering Trump's prayers and having these files declassed and everything comes to light. Godspeed on your mission.
Trump has known his entire life what the FBI does to good people.
The 3 batches look to be stamped "unclassified" in 1980 and 1982. Most interesting is the letter from J. Edgar Hoover in batch 3 regarding Tesla's nephew the communist Yugoslavian government official that raided Tesla's hotel room the day after he died.
Didn't this happen log time ago? I know a good deal of this was out way back last year because I read lot of it.
Have ya’ll seen the vid on yt of the guys that actually build the death ray?