right, things are happening, but they make me think the plan was co-opted or thwarted and now they are just rubbing it in our face while calling US terrorists...
DC was under emergency conditions with a marine in charge of FEMA, Pete Gaynor. Given Biden isn't flying around on AF1 nor getting 21 gun salutes by the armed services all you need to know is that the military does not consider Biden to be POTUS.
If you wanted to know anything at all, it would be that.
right, things are happening, but they make me think the plan was co-opted or thwarted and now they are just rubbing it in our face while calling US terrorists...
you have to say that it looks that way - yes
time will tell, we have a month or so left....
it's hard to see why it was necessary to let them take over
Sec. Def. Miller is gone
who is at the helm to act now ?
DC was under emergency conditions with a marine in charge of FEMA, Pete Gaynor. Given Biden isn't flying around on AF1 nor getting 21 gun salutes by the armed services all you need to know is that the military does not consider Biden to be POTUS.
If you wanted to know anything at all, it would be that.
stop datefagging... we will have all the time we need.
Perhaps they’re rubbing it in our faces because we’re sitting right over the target.
Plan or no plan, they were always going to call us terrorists while terrorizing the citizenry and trampling our rights.