Daily Plane Post 2/3
✈️ Planes ✈️
Today's findings:
- Search and Rescue out of Miami
- SAM634 went from DC to CO
- Greyhound C-2 transporting something or some people out of Norfolk via u/itsafreecountry
- 1 of the air force one planes is up taking the training flight path with no "af1" callsign
- 2 SAM flights out of DC heading west
- Sneaky P8s? over the US jamming
- Mystery French Jet over MI via u/vektor45
- A doomsday using BUCKO5 up out of Tampa
- "Looks like a lot of foreign tanker plane activity/practise going on in Europe. Don't see these in the air often and definitely not so many the same time. French planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=3b7775,3b7776,3b75dd,3b75a7 Dutch planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=480c01,480c42,480c40,480c41 British planes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=43c6f4,43c700 U.S. bird refueled Nato spyplane over Poland: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=4d03c9,ae013c" - via u/makeworldgreatagain Here is a source to look up various callsigns associated with the military: https://henney.com/chm/callsign.htm General info:
- 2 main planes are used for AF1, but the callsign has to be "AF1" to mean Biden is on.
- A SAM flight is a Special Air Mission meaning a high level official is on the plane
- AF1 alternates between 2 different flights reg number: 82-8000 or 92-9000, but they may be flying a test flight if they aren't putting up the AF1 callsign
- VENUS indicates a training mission
- Neither Kamala or Joe Biden have stepped food on AF1 or AF2 according to our tracking Happy flying!
Agree - I'm seeing 404 over the continental U.S. This is the busiest I've seen.