When talk about a secret black budget space program started to intensify online, there suddenly were a lot of Flat Earth video's popping up on youtube.
Flat Earth is an astro-turfing campaign, a psyop, to distract people from the real reason Nasa lies: there is a military black budget space program.
Flat Earth is a CIA psyop to circulate absurd theories and claims to be lumped in with everyone who dares question the "official" narrative.
EDIT: 10 Downies, eh... shills are out in full flat force...
When talk about a secret black budget space program started to intensify online, there suddenly were a lot of Flat Earth video's popping up on youtube.
Flat Earth is an astro-turfing campaign, a psyop, to distract people from the real reason Nasa lies: there is a military black budget space program.