Lou Dobbs is one pissed off Righteous Patriot on Fox Business. I really respect what he's doing. Remember these guys don't have the hope that Q instills in people who have taken some time to absorb what is gong on here. Good thing is; though, even Rush Limbaugh on Mon. this week pretty much called MSM a cult, and stated that the Dems and Reps are running a rigged game. Last few weeks it seems he's really come to see the Globalists for what they are.
Lou Dobbs is one pissed off Righteous Patriot on Fox Business. I really respect what he's doing. Remember these guys don't have the hope that Q instills in people who have taken some time to absorb what is gong on here. Good thing is; though, even Rush Limbaugh on Mon. this week pretty much called MSM a cult, and stated that the Dems and Reps are running a rigged game. Last few weeks it seems he's really come to see the Globalists for what they are.