Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a Swedish Retarded environmental activist
Which was kind a funny and surprising..
Then I noticed what was written under her date of birth
Death place: Norway
Neither shows up on the wiki but somehow bing/microsoft seem to have some fuckery in the shrubbery so to speak, could be com's, could be whitehats having fun given that the real Gates was executed already so it's anyone's guess who is actually in control of microsoft....
"Retarded"!! KEK.... anyway, I just don't care one way or the other if she's dead or alive. Alive she'll continue being a pain in the ass.... dead she would be a martyr... so I don't know which is worse.
If true, considering her state of mind, suicide is possible. She's a high-functioning autistic person with the facial appearance of fetal alcohol syndrome... so, there we are and waiting for more interdasting info.
I just did the same search, and my results are totally different. The top result is a news story, not the Wikipedia article. There is no line about "death place." I say fake and gay.
Not American but do all my browsing in English, saves a lot of hassle and when I'm looking for something local it is usually specific enough to not be an issue..
I just Binged her and this came up.............
First thing I saw was
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a Swedish Retarded environmental activist
Which was kind a funny and surprising..
Then I noticed what was written under her date of birth
Death place: Norway
Neither shows up on the wiki but somehow bing/microsoft seem to have some fuckery in the shrubbery so to speak, could be com's, could be whitehats having fun given that the real Gates was executed already so it's anyone's guess who is actually in control of microsoft....
Edit: Shit gets weirder.....
Gates stepped down from Microsoft many years ago. The current CEO is Satya Nadella.
A CEO is basically the person that runs a company for whomever owns the most of it...
Do we have proof gates was executed? I did notice a lot of loud voices last year have been quiet
He was hanged with his wife in Africa years ago by villagers. Go search the truth.
it was supposedly in India back in 2013. So what is the real story?
haha gold!
"Retarded"!! KEK.... anyway, I just don't care one way or the other if she's dead or alive. Alive she'll continue being a pain in the ass.... dead she would be a martyr... so I don't know which is worse.
If true, considering her state of mind, suicide is possible. She's a high-functioning autistic person with the facial appearance of fetal alcohol syndrome... so, there we are and waiting for more interdasting info.
I just did the same search, and my results are totally different. The top result is a news story, not the Wikipedia article. There is no line about "death place." I say fake and gay.
I got the text in swedish as I am in Sweden. Nothing about her being retarded (although she obviously is), but I also got Deathplace: Norway.
Not American but do all my browsing in English, saves a lot of hassle and when I'm looking for something local it is usually specific enough to not be an issue..
That explains why she’s downs with the cause.
She has an honorary doctorate?!
When I searched it came up the same thing death place Norway
She's retarded alright but sadly I think she's still around.
I think she's trying to overthrow India's democracy at the moment.