Yea, idk if that guy is trolling or what. The post says “START HERE WILL GUIDE” and then provides primary indicator and secondary indicators. We already know all about the secondary indicators (POSTS:TWEETS:TIME). And it does seem like the primary indicator will be an H scare. The only question is, is this the H scare? Maybe just the beginning.
I believe we actually are in danger of nuclear war because of a multifaceted, relentless, powerful attacks where it hurts; [their] fame and their fortune. The question is, will China be so arrogant as to not respect the alien threat and press the button anyway? If so, just once?>>>survival of humanity? Ascension? The Ark to Mars? Or all of this is to achieve World Peace; is that the desired endgame?
You lost me at alien threat m8. But we are always in danger of nuclear war, definitely now as much as anytime. Thats why we have a military. The best military.
Check this out! This is why I’m talking about an alien threat. This is the Q map I found on the internet and it shows up in David Steele’s video.I think it’s real.
They could even possibly set one up as a false flag, hell, the military could stage it and I bet alot of people would change their perspectives reaaally quick. I bet everyone would be loving the military then lol
Lmao in the 2nd Q link I posted it literally says “double meaning”. ?
Yea, idk if that guy is trolling or what. The post says “START HERE WILL GUIDE” and then provides primary indicator and secondary indicators. We already know all about the secondary indicators (POSTS:TWEETS:TIME). And it does seem like the primary indicator will be an H scare. The only question is, is this the H scare? Maybe just the beginning.
I believe we actually are in danger of nuclear war because of a multifaceted, relentless, powerful attacks where it hurts; [their] fame and their fortune. The question is, will China be so arrogant as to not respect the alien threat and press the button anyway? If so, just once?>>>survival of humanity? Ascension? The Ark to Mars? Or all of this is to achieve World Peace; is that the desired endgame?
You lost me at alien threat m8. But we are always in danger of nuclear war, definitely now as much as anytime. Thats why we have a military. The best military.
cough cough patriot missile defense
Check this out! This is why I’m talking about an alien threat. This is the Q map I found on the internet and it shows up in David Steele’s video.I think it’s real.
They could even possibly set one up as a false flag, hell, the military could stage it and I bet alot of people would change their perspectives reaaally quick. I bet everyone would be loving the military then lol