Where did you learn “God wants us to be ‘kind’ and ‘nice’?”
I've read your texts and Christians are obsessed with being righteous - or at least, appearing to.
Q is us. We are the plan. Awake. United. Resolved.
and what happens when you see an image in the sky and hear a voice in your head? when everyone does? will you still believe in your god and your plan then?
We have plans too, many of them - you haven't won yet.
Really, this is sad. Surely all the research dollars can come up with something better?
Even those who have never had a personal experience of God discern the true testimony of faith from a fanciful drama. A vision in the sky and voices in your head? Best I can tell you is it’s laughable. You comfort yourself with these fluffy one dimensional blankets but the only one you blind is yourself. Why do that? No one is going to save you, no one can save you if you’re not savable.
Righteous may be nice or kind, but kindness is not always righteous.
and what happens when you see an image in the sky and hear a voice in your head? when everyone does? will you still believe in your god and your plan then? We have plans too, many of them - you haven't won yet.
That's what I said, you left out the full quote lol. I was referring to a technological plan, which if we can carry-out before your plan comes to fruition will certainly make us win.
What would happen if over 2/3rd of humanity simultaneously saw the same vision and heard the same words (in their heads)? Even with everything declassified there'd be enough to believe it, to believe that there is no jesus, no buddha, etc that those were false teachers - to believe everything this new saviour told them, and to do whatever it says.
The miracle in the sky will speak in-synch with your thoughts and be very convincing, even you would have believed it but for me saying this.
I don't know if they'll go with aliens or a 'one true god/antichrist' story, but I know it's a plan that's been in the works for awhile.
Read the protocols, look at unusual patents and consider what we would do if we could, then you'll realize how far the rabbit hole goes.
What would happen if over 2/3rd of humanity simultaneously saw the same vision and heard the same words (in their heads)?
You sound as desperate as Screwtape: "surely our plans will win, since we don't understand Love". We are not uninformed of the devil's schemes; Puddleglum was the one who helped prepare me for the plan you outline.
You don't "have to" do anything to enter the kingdom of heaven, just like you don't have to do anything to go into (or out of) the realm of the satan. We act according to our will, and your will can change, and when it does it won't be by force but by persuasion and wooing. I am preparing you for that by letting you ask whether it is logistically possible for your will to change, if the realm is not that strawman you paint of suckups and self-righteous. Remember, every criterion you desire for your life has been smuggled in from the side of good: even "ease" of service is a good thing and our yoke is the easier one, our burden is light.
I am stepping away for a moment. Seek the Lord while he may yet be found, call upon him while he is near.
and what happens when you see an image in the sky and hear a voice in your head? when everyone does? will you still believe in your god and your plan then?
I'm glad to join the AMA. The answer to your question was ably given by Puddleglum to the Green Witch. More is available.
Oh, but we do. I have no problem admitting that God creates all truth and the devil tries to corrupt and distort all truth every conceivable way. Good versus evil is accurate, but there is more to it than that. You choose your side based on which you think will "win", will obtain some incorruptible prize that is currently unheld by either side. What this forum teaches is that we have already won, we have it all, we are walking in daily victory, what we gain is never lost, and we will continue triumphing forever. (If momentary evidence seems to contradict these truths, then like Puddleglum we recognize that the God we serve must still be sought even when we do not see him; we recommit that pursuing him is our object regardless of apparent outcome.)
Everything you seek, we have. Everything the old serpent has "connected" is ours by right and we deign to demonstrate that at the time of our master's choosing. That includes the contract over your life. When you are ready we'll annul it and write you a new one with everything your heart has ever truly desired. There will come a time when this offer expires, but if you take one step at a time I think it won't expire before you take it. You cannot find a better deal.
You admit good and evil exist, that's one step. Now recognize that man desires good outcomes to happen to him, not evil things. Evil has no good things to offer. Evil that knows torture so well will not offer true power or life, you know that it lies when it pretends to promise. You know it so well that you don't believe good. A step you can take is to admit you ultimately desire good, not evil. You would if you could, and you can.
I've read your texts and Christians are obsessed with being righteous - or at least, appearing to.
and what happens when you see an image in the sky and hear a voice in your head? when everyone does? will you still believe in your god and your plan then?
We have plans too, many of them - you haven't won yet.
Really, this is sad. Surely all the research dollars can come up with something better?
Even those who have never had a personal experience of God discern the true testimony of faith from a fanciful drama. A vision in the sky and voices in your head? Best I can tell you is it’s laughable. You comfort yourself with these fluffy one dimensional blankets but the only one you blind is yourself. Why do that? No one is going to save you, no one can save you if you’re not savable.
Righteous may be nice or kind, but kindness is not always righteous.
That's what I said, you left out the full quote lol. I was referring to a technological plan, which if we can carry-out before your plan comes to fruition will certainly make us win.
What would happen if over 2/3rd of humanity simultaneously saw the same vision and heard the same words (in their heads)? Even with everything declassified there'd be enough to believe it, to believe that there is no jesus, no buddha, etc that those were false teachers - to believe everything this new saviour told them, and to do whatever it says.
The miracle in the sky will speak in-synch with your thoughts and be very convincing, even you would have believed it but for me saying this.
I don't know if they'll go with aliens or a 'one true god/antichrist' story, but I know it's a plan that's been in the works for awhile.
Read the protocols, look at unusual patents and consider what we would do if we could, then you'll realize how far the rabbit hole goes.
You sound as desperate as Screwtape: "surely our plans will win, since we don't understand Love". We are not uninformed of the devil's schemes; Puddleglum was the one who helped prepare me for the plan you outline.
You don't "have to" do anything to enter the kingdom of heaven, just like you don't have to do anything to go into (or out of) the realm of the satan. We act according to our will, and your will can change, and when it does it won't be by force but by persuasion and wooing. I am preparing you for that by letting you ask whether it is logistically possible for your will to change, if the realm is not that strawman you paint of suckups and self-righteous. Remember, every criterion you desire for your life has been smuggled in from the side of good: even "ease" of service is a good thing and our yoke is the easier one, our burden is light.
I am stepping away for a moment. Seek the Lord while he may yet be found, call upon him while he is near.
I'm glad to join the AMA. The answer to your question was ably given by Puddleglum to the Green Witch. More is available.
I've never actually read narnia, christian authors are discouraged and I was never curious enough to do so in secret.
looked for a video of puddleglum and all that comes up are transwitches spreading the seed of the new age: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOVP.80ORPz5Kn-Nnrz2Vyzh3_wHgFo%26pid%3DApi&f=1
Lol how can't you guys see the connections? it's so obvious
Oh, but we do. I have no problem admitting that God creates all truth and the devil tries to corrupt and distort all truth every conceivable way. Good versus evil is accurate, but there is more to it than that. You choose your side based on which you think will "win", will obtain some incorruptible prize that is currently unheld by either side. What this forum teaches is that we have already won, we have it all, we are walking in daily victory, what we gain is never lost, and we will continue triumphing forever. (If momentary evidence seems to contradict these truths, then like Puddleglum we recognize that the God we serve must still be sought even when we do not see him; we recommit that pursuing him is our object regardless of apparent outcome.)
Everything you seek, we have. Everything the old serpent has "connected" is ours by right and we deign to demonstrate that at the time of our master's choosing. That includes the contract over your life. When you are ready we'll annul it and write you a new one with everything your heart has ever truly desired. There will come a time when this offer expires, but if you take one step at a time I think it won't expire before you take it. You cannot find a better deal.
You admit good and evil exist, that's one step. Now recognize that man desires good outcomes to happen to him, not evil things. Evil has no good things to offer. Evil that knows torture so well will not offer true power or life, you know that it lies when it pretends to promise. You know it so well that you don't believe good. A step you can take is to admit you ultimately desire good, not evil. You would if you could, and you can.