I did a deep dive into Racine. There was some disturbing stuff for sure. An inordinate amount of pedophilia for a mid-sized city. Alot of connections to some DS players. BUT I read threads from VOAT and Reddit and everyone connected every conspiracy to Racine -- even Kurt Cobaine and Courteney Love. I find that ridiculous.
You are correct on both sides - The Truth and the attempted obfuscation of The Truth.
Some bad actors injected lies and disinformation on purpose to discredit and obfuscate The Truth, and used many other tactics including bribery, blackmail, doxxing, attacks, downvoting, sliding, gangstalking, alts, threats and death threats that were acted upon in real life.
One such example is argosciv who had also admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking. They were exposed along with corrupt moderators at Voat Pizzagate and Great Awakening in the process. They eventually censored and banned anyone even mentioning the word Racine after they were exposed, and tried to cover it up with more lies. Some users like u/BarbaraStreisand noticed how manipulative and desperate they were to cover their tracks.
Racine is the reason why Voat was shut down, and there is a very particular reason it was done on Christmas Day.
Many groups do connect to Racine including the Sphinx Head Society, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, Atlantic Council, CFR, and more. Some of the most important global meetings and decisions took place in Racine, and it was once the invention capital of the world that turned into the worst city by design in order to fully control the community as the model for their new world order with Agenda 21, 2030 and beyond.
Racine was also the model pivot district used to rig swing states in the 2020 election. Ask Mark Zuckerberg, Anna Makanju and Brad Smith the President of Microsoft who is from Racine who are part of the hidden group Time magazine is really referring to.
Have events escalated to the point of being truly Biblical?
Had you ever heard of others ever mentioning The Parousia and revealing the “root” and model of the Mark of the Beast in a real community in present day while exposing many facts that supported everything told?
Was this ridiculed, mocked, attacked, threatened, censored and banned after many failed attempts to silence The Truth, turn the crowd against The Truth, downvote and censor The Truth, ban anything related to The Truth, accuse The Truth of being some advanced AI, and eventually shut everything down because of The Truth?
It has been picked out as an Agenda 2030 (I believe?) model city. Think of a technocratic utopian city run completely on an integrated system, but eventually communist. At least that's what I gathered.
Use searchvoat.co and look at years of comments about Racine.The Truth does not care about Likes or Subscribers, nor selling products or soliciting donations, and Racine is the most censored, banned and targeted of any topic online. Racine is the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down, and why Voat was shut down on Christmas Day of all times. Why that day? What was foretold about Racine?
George Webb Sweigert deleted all of his videos about Racine after Jenny Moore was killed. Why? Her last post on Voat was about going into the heart of darkness - Racine (her handle was @Jem777 - you can also find that on searchvoat.co). She was not the only one threatened, attacked and murdered for finding out about The Truth in Racine, Wisconsin.
I did a deep dive into Racine. There was some disturbing stuff for sure. An inordinate amount of pedophilia for a mid-sized city. Alot of connections to some DS players. BUT I read threads from VOAT and Reddit and everyone connected every conspiracy to Racine -- even Kurt Cobaine and Courteney Love. I find that ridiculous.
You are correct on both sides - The Truth and the attempted obfuscation of The Truth.
Some bad actors injected lies and disinformation on purpose to discredit and obfuscate The Truth, and used many other tactics including bribery, blackmail, doxxing, attacks, downvoting, sliding, gangstalking, alts, threats and death threats that were acted upon in real life.
One such example is argosciv who had also admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking. They were exposed along with corrupt moderators at Voat Pizzagate and Great Awakening in the process. They eventually censored and banned anyone even mentioning the word Racine after they were exposed, and tried to cover it up with more lies. Some users like u/BarbaraStreisand noticed how manipulative and desperate they were to cover their tracks.
Racine is the reason why Voat was shut down, and there is a very particular reason it was done on Christmas Day.
Many groups do connect to Racine including the Sphinx Head Society, Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, Atlantic Council, CFR, and more. Some of the most important global meetings and decisions took place in Racine, and it was once the invention capital of the world that turned into the worst city by design in order to fully control the community as the model for their new world order with Agenda 21, 2030 and beyond.
Racine was also the model pivot district used to rig swing states in the 2020 election. Ask Mark Zuckerberg, Anna Makanju and Brad Smith the President of Microsoft who is from Racine who are part of the hidden group Time magazine is really referring to.
There are no coincidences.
What was discussed about Racine for years?
Have events escalated to the point of being truly Biblical?
Had you ever heard of others ever mentioning The Parousia and revealing the “root” and model of the Mark of the Beast in a real community in present day while exposing many facts that supported everything told?
Was this ridiculed, mocked, attacked, threatened, censored and banned after many failed attempts to silence The Truth, turn the crowd against The Truth, downvote and censor The Truth, ban anything related to The Truth, accuse The Truth of being some advanced AI, and eventually shut everything down because of The Truth?
What are you The Witness to?
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
Wait... Wut?...
WTF goes on in Racine, Wisconsin? Is it like a secret city for the Cabal?
It has been picked out as an Agenda 2030 (I believe?) model city. Think of a technocratic utopian city run completely on an integrated system, but eventually communist. At least that's what I gathered.
Here's the thread that directed me to Racine:
enter text
Another thread from yesterday that tied to Racine:
enter text'
I followed the suggestions in this response:
It's an interesting rabbit hole for sure.
Holy shit dude!
Plz DM me any info you find out about Racine, this place sounds important!
Also, make a post here, cuz we all need to know this, cuz they can't assassinate us all, or they would've done so already! LOL