I never liked cats that much, but when my parents passed away unexpectedly I took their three cats. It completely changed my mind about them. They are so sweet. You just can't expect them to act like dogs lol
I did a lot of research and once I learned how to interact with them, they love me now and are so snuggly and sweet. I can't imagine my life without them, now :) I mean right now my beautiful solid black kitty is curled up asleep in her little cat bed right next to me.
How about this?
Okay, dumb question. I've asked before and no one answered. How do I post a gif? I prefer to communicate through electronic reaction images.
In the right side bar below RULES and above DISCLAIMER is the RESOURCES section, of which "How to use gifs on GAW" aka GIF Megathread is one:
There are more gifs in the megathread.
Great, thank you very much. Apparently my mobile browser wouldn't display the right side column until I changed it to desktop mode.
Where is this Gif from?
This is my favorite.
KEK! I don't like cats but this gif always makes me laugh
I never liked cats that much, but when my parents passed away unexpectedly I took their three cats. It completely changed my mind about them. They are so sweet. You just can't expect them to act like dogs lol
I did a lot of research and once I learned how to interact with them, they love me now and are so snuggly and sweet. I can't imagine my life without them, now :) I mean right now my beautiful solid black kitty is curled up asleep in her little cat bed right next to me.
nice cat - there is loads of this Q link ups on frogman5326 on telegram