Heavenly father I ask that u give me patience and wisdom of what to say. It's one thing talking to people that feel your spirit but fight over words it's a whole nether thing to talk to people that deny ur spirit even exists. Give me a heart full of love and trust in u Lord. Allow me to build bridges with as many as I can
I'm gonna be talking to a group of atheist and those that know what I'm trying to do can see that this is probably the hardest group. May Gods love conquer all love u guys and God Wins
Sending prayers
Thank u. I almost want to not take on the challenge till Monday and make tomorrow a fun day. Can I ask u an honest question. If ur watching super bowl. If I put out a challenge to say God Wins at every commercial and pray for 1 min sometime during the halftime do u think people would. I wanted to have a lil fun tomorrow watching superbowl and everyone joining in together. Honest opinion plz