- The great inventor Nikola Tesla, known for alternate current, died 1943 in NYC with no money.
- The uncle of Donald J. Trump, a professor of physics at MIT, was assigned by government to look at the papers that Nikola Tesla left. He found nothing special, as the records say.
- The Nazi rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, after WW2 working for the US wrote a novel with the title # Project Mars. A Technical Tale# in1953. The book was about going to Planet Mars. One of the main Characters in the book was named Elon.
- Elon Musk is one of the richest man on earth and has a company called Tesla.
- Elon wants to go to the Mars.
- On the tombstone of Wernher von Braun is written:Psalms 19:1
- Psalm 19:1 says (King James Bible, 1611): #The heauens declare the glory of God: and the firmament sheweth his handy worke.# Q1: Why is the richest man on earth connected with the poorest engineer on earth by the name Tesla? Q2: Why does a person who wants to go to Mars carrry the name Elon, a fictional person in s novel by the best rocket engineer? Q3: What if space travel is not possible, and what to the stocks of Tesla when it is revealed? Q4: What if time travel is possible and DJT has done it?
P.S. Spellos are intended or not.
Don't forget about Baron Trump