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Veronika West FEB 6TH ·“HAIL STONES FROM HEAVEN AND THE FRAGILE GLASS WHITE HOUSE MADE OF SAND THAT WILL FALL AND NOT STAND”...! So after praying concerning a poignant dream I had a few nights ago,...I felt the Lord leading me to share this dream this evening,...I will only share parts of the dream for the purpose of prayer...! ••••So A few nights ago I had a powerful dream,...where I found myself standing in a strange place in the realm of the Spirit,...the atmosphere in the dream was heavy with demonic presence and oppression,..but although I felt the darkness around about me,...I was at total peace in the dream,...as I knew I had been caught up by the Lord in the dream to be shown something prophetically significant...now as I stood watching and waiting in this dream,...suddenly I saw A MASSIVE HOURGLASS FILLED WITH SAND STANDING OVER THE NATION OF AMERICA...and as I looked at the grains of Sand falling within the hourglass,...I heard these words in the dream,...”THE SANDS OF TIME ARE IN MY HAND WITHIN THIS LAND”....and as I heard those words,...suddenly, I saw A DARK WHIRLWIND BEGINNING TO FORM WITHIN THE HOURGLASS....AND AS I LOOKED AT THE GREAT WHIRLWIND THAT WAS SWIRLING WITHIN THE HOURGLASS,...SUDDENLY I FELT A TANGIBLE DEMONIC POWER COMING FROM WITHIN THE DARK WHIRLWIND,..and I heard these words, “A WHIRLWIND OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION COMES TO REAP A HARVEST OF SOULS”.... •••Now as those words echoed loudly in the dream,...I saw the grains of sand within the hour glass begin to fall with greater acceleration,...and then I heard these words, “THE DARK WHIRLWIND OF DESTRUCTION AND DEATH SEEKS TO BRING AN ACCELERATION WITHIN THE SANDS OF TIME,...FOR THE PURPOSE OF GREATER DEMONIC DOMINATION AND SATANIC REFORMATION TO THE FOUNDATION OF THIS NATION”....and as I heard those words,..I found myself standing again in the dream,...watching what now looked like A GREAT SAND STORM THAT WAS MOVING ACROSS THE LAND...and as I looked at the Sand Storm blowing very powerfully and slowly across the Nation,....suddenly I saw the strong Winds of the Sand storm begin to disperse,....until eventually the Sand storm completely disappeared,.... ••••But then suddenly,...I heard these words, “WATCH!..AS THE DUST BEGINS TO SETTLE OVER THE LAND SO ALL WILL BE REVEALED AND EXPOSED”....and as I heard those words,....I found myself standing ,...in front of what looked like the “WHITE HOUSE”,...but as I looked at the White House, I saw that the entire structure of the White House was made of thin fragile glass,...AND EVERYTHING IN THE WHITE HOUSE WAS VISIBLE,...NOTHING WAS HIDDEN OR CONCEALED,....the entire White House...including all the furnishings within the White house,...WAS MADE OF CLEAR FRAGILE GLASS....,now as I looked again in the dream,..at this MASSIVE GLASS STRUCTURE WHICH WAS THE WHITE HOUSE,...suddenly I heard these words,...”THOSE THAT LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN’T THROW STONES,..WATCH! FOR THE FRAGILE GLASS HOUSE MADE OF SAND WILL FALL AND NOT STAND”...now as I heard those words,... •••I saw Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the dream, sitting in the Fragile Glass White House and they were surrounded by many people,...and they were all discussing the future plans, strategies and tactics that were going to be implemented for Governing and Ruling over the Nation in the days ahead,...Now as I listened to their conversations,...and as I watched their behaviour in the dream,...suddenly, I became aware that ALL THOSE THAT WERE IN THE FRAGILE GLASS WHITE HOUSE,...WERE TOTALLY UNAWARE THAT THE STRUCTURE THAT SURROUNDED THEM WAS MADE OF FRAGILE GLASS AND THAT EVERYTHING THEY WERE DOING WAS BEING FULLY REVEALED AND EXPOSED FOR ALL TO SEE... Note:(Now as I was seeing these things in the dream...it was made known to me by the Spirit,...that what I WAS SEEING IN THE DREAM,...WAS HOW GOD SAW EVERYTHING,...I WAS BEING SHOWN EVERYTHING FROM GODS PERSPECTIVE...FOR NOTHING COULD BE CONCEALED OR HIDDEN FROM HIS SIGHT,..FOR EVEN THE DARKNESS IS LIGHT TO HIM)...! •••Back to the dream,...I was then shown that those who were in the Glass White House...BELIEVED THAT THEY WERE SAFE AND SECURE,....ALL WERE CLEARLY OBLIVIOUS TO THE VULNERABILITY AND THE INSTABILITY OF THE FRAGILE GLASS HOUSE,...THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE UNTOUCHABLE,...AND THAT THEY WERE ABLE TO DO AND CONTINUE TO DO WHATEVER THEY DESIRED WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND THEIR DECISIONS,...AND SO IT SEEMED TO THEM, THAT THEY HAD SUCCEEDED IN BUILDING AND ESTABLISHING FOR THEMSELVES A GREAT AND POWERFUL HOUSE/KINGDOM OF THEIR OWN MAKING.... •••Now as I kept looking at THE FRAGILE GLASS WHITE HOUSE in the dream,..and all that was taking place ,...I saw that the White House WAS VOID OF THE FEAR OF GOD,...THE ROOMS WITHIN THE WHITE HOUSE LOOKED DIM, AS THERE WAS VERY LITTLE LIGHT,...AND THEN I SAW THAT A THICK VEIL OF DARKNESS SEEMED TO BE COVERING THE EYES OF ALL THE PEOPLE WITHIN THE HOUSE,...and as I looked at the veil upon their eyes,... I heard these words,...”LEAVE THEM ALONE. THEY ARE BLIND GUIDES OF THE BLIND, AND IF A BLIND MAN LEADS A BLIND MAN, BOTH WILL FALL INTO THE DARK PIT”... •••And As those words swirled round about me in the dream,....suddenly I saw Joe Biden walk up to a small table where he sat down,...and he began to sign pieces of paper,...and as I watched him signing all these different pieces of paper,....I heard him say these words, “THESE LAWS WILL BECOME THE STONES THAT WILL REBUILD AND REFORM THE FOUNDATION OF THIS NATION”...,and as he said those words,...I heard these words again, “THOSE THAT LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN’T THROW STONES,..WATCH! FOR THE FRAGILE GLASS HOUSE MADE OF SAND WILL FALL AND NOT STAND”....and as I heard those words for a second time,...suddenly I felt the ground beneath my feet begin to shake and tremble,...and then I heard these words in the dream,...”BRACE, BRACE FOR AN EARTHQUAKE IS COMING”.....! •••But as those words came to me in the dream,...the Spirit of the Lord quickened this verse to me, “AND EVERYONE WHO HEARS THESE WORDS OF MINE AND DOES NOT DO THEM WILL BE LIKE A FOOLISH MAN WHO BUILT HIS HOUSE UPON THE SAND. AND THE RAIN FELL, AND THE FLOODS CAME, AND THE WINDS BLEW AND BEAT AGAINST THAT HOUSE, AND IT FELL, AND GREAT WAS THE FALL OF IT”...! •••As that verse seemed to penetrate my inner most being in the dream,...suddenly I saw the sky above the Fragile Glass White House begin to turn black,...as heavy rain clouds began to form over the land,...and I heard these words,...”ITS TIME TO GO UP,...FOR THERE IS A SOUND OF THE ABUNDANCE OF RAIN”...and as I heard those words,...suddenly,...the massive hour Glass appeared before me again in the dream,...and as I looked at the sand within the hour Glass,....I saw that the grains of sand within the hour Glass looked as if they were suspended in time...as if ‘TIME WITH THE HOUR GLASS HAD SUDDENLY STOPPED’,...but as I looked at the grains of sands within the hour Glass which now seemed to stand still...I heard these words, “FOR THE SANDS OF TIME ARE IN MY HAND WITHIN THIS LAND...WATCH! FOR THE HAIL STONES OF HEAVEN SHALL FALL LIKE RAIN UPON THE GLASS WHITE HOUSE MADE OF SAND,..IT WILL FALL AND NOT STAND”...! •••As I heard those words in the dream,...I watched as...yet again,...ANOTHER WHIRLWIND BEGAN TO FORM WITHIN THE HOUR GLASS,...A WHIRLWIND OF RADIANT LIGHT,...WHICH BEGAN TO SWIRL,... ROUND AND ROUND WITH GREAT POWER THE WHIRLWIND OF LIGHT MOVED WITHIN THE HOUR GLASS,...AND AS I KEPT WATCHING THE WHIRLWIND OF RADIANT LIGHT,...I heard these words, “THE WHIRLWIND OF AWE AND WONDER NOW STIRS UP THE SANDS OF TIME THAT WILL BRING A DIVINE REVERSAL TO THE SATANIC AGENDA THAT SOUGHT TO ACCELERATE THE TIME OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IN THE LAND”..! •••And As I heard those words,... I saw MASSIVE HAIL STONES BEGIN TO FALL LIKE RAIN UPON THE FRAGILE GLASS WHITE HOUSE MADE OF SAND THAT STOOD IN THE LAND,...AND I WATCHED IN THE DREAM,...AS THE WHITE HOUSE MADE OF GLASS WAS COMPLETELY DISMANTLED AND UTTERLY DESTROYED, NOTHING WAS LEFT STANDING...! (As I woke up from the dream,...I immediately began to pray,..and write down all I had just seen and heard)...! Ps;....Now As I have prayed and meditated over parts of this dream, I believe the dream reveals that there is a powerful Satanic agenda in this hour,...to bring forth the ONE WORLD ORDER BEFORE ITS TIME....Satan desires to EFFECT THE TIME AND SEASONS...the main assignment of the enemy I believe is to DISRUPT, DERAIL AND DESTROY THE COMING REVIVAL AND HARVEST THAT IS NOW GETTING READY TO BE BIRTHED IN THE NATIONS,....the enemy is seeking in this hour to alter and accelerate the time,...for the purpose of bringing destruction and death in this Nation/s,....but as I was shown clearly in the dream,...I believe that if we will continue to stand and pray we ‘WILL SEE THE POWER OF HEAVEN MOVE AND MANIFEST IN A MIGHTY AND MIRACULOUS WAY,...I BELIEVE NOT ONLY WILL WE SEE THE HAND OF GOD MOVE TO STOP THE SATANIC ACCELERATION OVER TIME FROM TAKING PLACE..,BUT THERE WILL BE A DIVINE REVERSAL TO THE DESTRUCTIVE PLANS AND PURPOSES OF THE ENEMY THAT HAS ALREADY BEGUN TO TAKE HOLD OVER THE NATION....! •••This Kingdom of Darkness that the enemy is endeavouring to build and establish in the Nation in this hour certainly GIVES THE ILLUSION OF GREAT POWER AND STRENGTH,...BUT THE STRENGTH AND POWER OF THE ENEMY IS NO MATCH AGAINST THE STRENGTH AND POWER OF GOD....FOR THE VERY SANDS OF TIME ARE IN HIS HAND....!! •••ITS VITAL THAT WE DO NOT BECOME OVERWHELMED BY FEAR IN THIS HOUR,...WE MUST STAY SECURELY ANCHORED TO THE ROCK OF OUR SALVATION....JESUS CHRIST...!!! In this hour Many hearts are failing for FEAR AND HOPELESSNESS,..AS WE SEE SATAN USING MANY WILLING VESSELS TO TRY TO REBUILD AND REFORM THE VERY FOUNDATIONS OF THIS GREAT NATION,....THE SATANIC ATTACKS HAVE BEEN RELENTLESS AND HAVE BEEN STRATEGICALLY WORKING TO UNDERMINE THE BEDROCK OF TRUTH, FREEDOM AND RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT THE NATION HAS BEEN FOUNDED UPON.... •••BUT,...THIS IS NOT A TIME TO SHRINK BACK OR RETREAT INTO THE CAVES...THE ECCLESIA MUST NOW ARISE IN BOLDNESS AND COURAGE AND TAKE HER PLACE ON THE BATTLEFIELD FOR THE DESTINY OF THE NATIONS,...THE BRIDE OF CHRIST MUST NOW ADVANCE FORWARD TO PUSH BACK THE POWERS OF DARKNESS THAT THREATEN TO STEAL THE BIRTHRIGHT OF THE NATION/S...! LET US DECLARE...”THAT THE HAIL STONES OF HEAVEN WILL BEGIN TO FALL LIKE RAIN AND THAT THE FRAGILE GLASS HOUSE MADE OF SAND WILL FALL AND NOT STAND...! ••••Please as you pray over this dream,...and as you ask Holy Spirit to give you a witness,...would you then share with others for the purpose of prayer and intercession...!