I peak in here every now and then and quickly become lost with some random pointing to numbers.
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You are fundamentally misunderstanding the meaning of the term "canary in a coal mine" if that is your sentiment.
You're implying "if they come for the n word they'll come for more!"
I'm saying this is an established community with the expectation that we don't use that word. Your canary was dead before it got here.
Of course a new account comes in and tries to establish its culture in a place that already had a culture.
This ain't Sweden ripe for the taking.
You can't ever know what's being hidden from you if there is no baseline. Think about it for one second. You claim to be 'awake' simply by contributing to this board, yet you can't see through the emotional pull of a word?
That word has been turned in to a weapon to silence. If you are stuck on a word then you can be manipulated by a word. Look around, we live in a world of complex propaganda. You need these proverbial 'canaries' to ensure that some sort of free information flow is guaranteed. You need to allow something offensive if you ever think this board will allow a truly shocking exposition if/when it comes out.
Imagine if the "Storm" we all talk about really finally hits, but this board, which we believe to be a bastion of the GA movement, turns out to be a limited hangout. How would we ever know? You need something offensive allowed so that you know real shocking news won't be censored.
Put simply, that word represents the antithesis of PC culture, and all of us here know that PC culture is meant to shut you up.
This board is literally the watered down, PC version of all of its predecessors. That's why we are here, that's our "established community", we are a bunch of orphans, so back off the gatekeeping. Our boards were slowly throttled, quarantined, shutdown or straight-up banned. Now we are here, the site that follows all of the ridiculous rules that all of our other boards either could not or would not follow. That's the real culture here. This is the playground that 'they' let us have.
This is another means to communicate with normies as a target audience. A top sticky today was "Can someone please explain what Q is" and the replies were all helpful links and explanations.
4chan would say "lurk moar newfag"
Different expectations and different strategies. You see it as a replacement for voat and expect it to be the same, that's not what the consensus has been.
A huge influx of TD users came here on the 6th including myself when all the doom and shilling was too much to put up with.
The people here took all of us in, filled us in, answered our questions no matter how basic.
Some were upset that quality of content dropped as memes and "thank you" posts kept popping up, but because of this place many of us who have been shut doen fir discussion or who didn't know and thought Q was anything but edgey 4chan autists who like to call people n words.
This place has a very important role, and high level research still happens. A lot of it is stuff voat and 4chan had figured out long ago but to so many of us it opeend our eyes so quickly because a 4 year follower had these proofs all saved and in my opinion bolstered the movement.
I see where you're coming from, I hope you see where I'm coming from. I use words and sayings in my own life to those in confidence that I wouldn't say here, but that's because I was lucky enough to find this place and didn't want to get in the way of a place that was doing such great work.
I saw how this place went from being posts with one comment over hours/days and the same posts would be up because only a handful of users were active. I checked it out near its inception and a week later.
Yet the seed was in my head so when the meltdown happened on TDW, my instincts brought me here and the shift in my mood and mental state was night and day.
People start tossing n words around and I feel the great work done here will slow in growth and perhaps even be taken down.
Does that make sense?