Madeleine Dean is not only opening the door, but she is making it a huge part of the Dems' case against Trump. How dare he question the election?
Easy pickings for Trump's team to play tape after tape of Dems questioning election results ... not to mention calling Trump's 2016 election illegitimate to this very day.
These people are stupid.
Lets see, according to Dems:
Joe Biden is the most popular president in history
Elections can not be fixed
The Republican Party is dying
Trump has no base
If this is actually all true according to Democrats, why are they so scared of Trump perhaps running a second term? My guess is they’re just prolonging the inevitable and their schemes will be revealed for the whole word to see. And in comes the military.
Since the Dems are so stupid, let's tell them that Gitmo is the new Summer White House and move them all there.
Dems don’t say any of those things.