I came over from voat just before the election. It was great to have a place to see news and discuss opinions. I was here feeling confident. Feeling great that on Jan 20 Xiden would not take office. When he did I was pissed. I felt like I had been lied to by those I trusted the most. I began questioning Flynn, Powell and Trump and others.
I didn't not attack my fellow patriots. I told a few that I hope and pray for the great awakening we all want, but that I was done and moving on. I did not doom or attempt to demean my fellow brothers and sisters, that is what shills do. But, I left.
I avoided this site, I avoided news for several days. Then I went back to TGP to see what the headlines were. Soon after that I began lurking here again, just to see what you all were up to. Each day I find myself coming here more often. Once you are awake you can't go back. I find it difficult to watch the public around me, wander around asleep in their masks.
My faith in God will always get me through troubled times. But, I find myself wondering if we are heading to end times or the great awakening. I can handle either. But, for my kids sake I am praying every day for the great awakening. For the sake of all the children we need the evil to cease. Those brainwashed and asleep need this more than we do, their souls are on the line.
Sorry for the meandering message. What I really want to say is that I need this place, I need you, my brothers and sisters. I need the hope that you provide.
May God Bless You All!
Saying "hold the line" is good and all, but the truth is its hard to hold that line some days.
I tried to leave and couldn't stay away for more than two days. Not sure if that makes me stronger or weaker, but we are essentially the same.
nice to know others feel the way I do. The thing that brings me back is everything is so obviously fake and orchestrated and the deep state is so obviously evil. This is either happening, or end times are nearing.