It really puts a bunch of dirt in the gears knowing Trump hasn't arrested anyone yet. You don't know who is and isn't a plant. Not a single one of your ilk has gone down. Who is already working for Trump? You don't know, and that's scary as hell.
There is a good reason no one has been arrested -- they don't know who is or isn't compromised. If one goes down, you know they have an idea who he/she/it was involved with, so they aren't trustworthy either.
Because no one has gone down, everyone may or may not be on their side still. The result? Infighting like never before. They can't trust anyone now. Lines of communication, all, have been severed. So many actors on Trump's side, and many may have been the whole time. Who knows the truth anymore? Like an ouroborus, they are now eating their own tail of lies and the actual Truth has been lost to them.
They used to be the ones who knew what was really going on; the ones pulling the strings. Now THEY are dancing like puppets at the end of a rope and they are frightened as hell to look up to see who their puppeteer is. As soon as they do, they'll see a smirk and a wink from the GEOTUS.
Godspeed, Patriot.
The 144,000 you keep referring to according to Revelation are 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. John wrote it in Revelation 7:1-8. This is during the Tribulation after the saints are taking up.