I'm not sure why you would want to join this forum - we don't have the same value systems - you should find like minded individuals to toss your ideas around
I’m not sure why you are assuming the post was by a sincere commenter. There are other reasons to join this forum besides wanting to give/get truth and work for a better world. Soros/despicable elite tools want us to give up. It makes their establishment of world-wide control much easier when their acts are not met with meaningful resistance.
I'm not sure why you would want to join this forum - we don't have the same value systems - you should find like minded individuals to toss your ideas around
May God Bless You Today!
I’m not sure why you are assuming the post was by a sincere commenter. There are other reasons to join this forum besides wanting to give/get truth and work for a better world. Soros/despicable elite tools want us to give up. It makes their establishment of world-wide control much easier when their acts are not met with meaningful resistance.