I've known a few Rangers and a Green Beret throughout the years and have to say that I fully trust them with a our lives. The special ops guys I have had the pleasure of befriending are the most solid people I have ever met.
If you met them, you'd see their overwhelming intelligence, kindness, gentleness, and generosity. Based on this, you would never guess that they are one of the most elite warriors in the world.
It is really hard to explain how strong they are mentally and how truly good-natured they are. You'll never understand until you have the pleasure of meeting one and I hope everyone gets that pleasure.
To all branches of our military: Thank you for your loyalty. The world is in your hands.
EDIT: Read the comments. Many have witnessed the same from Spec Ops. It really says a lot about our country that our elite forces are looked upon so highly by people who know them.
I know one too. He was my neighbor for a few years. He came to my grandpa's burial at Arlington. He also once stopped by and put flowers on my grandpa's grave and sent my family a pic. Such a kind thing to do