Re-watching some of the Marvel movies and the number 17 is repeated quite a bit in the Avengers.....
Does make one think that DS/Kazahrians aren't the only ones capable of using predictive programing and getting their message across..
And from what I have seen in rather a lot of movies and TV-series the good....guys.. tend to be so good at it that they can put their own message in the middle of a DS/kazahrian message with them being none the wiser....
If you follow Jordan Peterson, he'll say that superheroes and fictional characters are archetypal manifestations of universal truths. They're supposed to embody the best of humanity. Stories like Moby Dick, Pinocchio, etc leave lasting impressions (movie or in a book) because they resonate with people.
Better than Drag Story Time atleast, ultimate end product of leftist creativity.
I'm a former comic nerd. Got pushed out by SJWs over a decade ago.
The point isn't to idolize them but to learn a lesson or see something through the lens of somebody else, just like your example of Crime and Punishment. Eras in Comics have different values and you notice more in modern times that heroes are often flawed instead of being more of personification of an ideal.
Tony Stark is a billionaire playboy that doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself. Nearly dies in an ambush, captured, forced to contruct a missile or die. He chooses to use the tools at his disposal and his ingenuity (and the sacrifice of the man that saved him) to escape.
Even though he makes it out, the men and women in the convoy that were there to protect him didn't get to go home. In addition to seeing the effects of his choices first hand, he vows to do good for society and try to prevent his weapons from being used against innocents.
People like base themes, there's ways to build off of smaller ideas (like Iron Man vs. MCU as a whole). Yes it's bloated, yes it's simple, but sometimes that's enough.
I don't see why you have to denigrate other people's entertainment and can't see why people find things meaningful in a "childish format".
Enjoy your dry material, I'll play The Sinking City and be a detective that fights Cthulhu monsters. Some people get tired of humanity and "reality" and would rather deal with exaggerated versions of reality (fantasy).
I am sure you will be thinking, so. What made you the final arbiter of soul? Buster Keaton?
Since you have difficulty understanding other people, instead of wasting your time on Buster Keaton, you may learn a few thing by reading:
I would recommend: Hero with a thousand faces.