What the hell are you talking about? You think veganism is destroying the world? Why do you think veganism is part of the NWO agenda? Just don't eat the plastic meat. You don't think there are some people who can't consume dairy or prefer not to eat meat? Have you seen what they do inside factory farms? The shit that's being done there is like the shit the elites would like to do to us, with pity and compassion of course.
Veganism and vegetarianism are part of the agenda 21 propaganda. The main purpose is to eventually reduce and control the earths population. Unhealthy people are easier to control: a low fat diet without animal products can cause malfunctions in your brain and body. The propaganda is also about making people to move to cities, to take away human rights and to raise taxation.
The standard American diet with a steady intake of McDonald's and Diet Coke make for a very unhealthy population. America already has an obesity epidemic and men with low libido. You don't need a special diet to do that. Australians eat only grass-fed beef, even at fast food joints, and have one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. There is nothing special in animal products that prevents human malfunctions. If people fail on veganism, it's because they don't eat enough. They either eat the same volume as they did before with a significant reduction in caloric intake, or they try veganism out of vanity and usually suffer from some eating disorder such as anorexia. If the NWO wants to use veganism as part of their agenda, it probably has to do with the fact that it's the cheapest way to feed the population.
If the NWO wants to use veganism as part of their agenda, it probably has to do with the fact that it's the cheapest way to feed the population.
YES. Overhead costs of meat versus plants? No brainer, larger profit to be made on fake meats and plant foods pumped with sugar. Also the degradation of forcing people to eat insects.
Destroying what was good on their way out. Vindictive little shits who want to see the world burn.
What the hell are you talking about? You think veganism is destroying the world? Why do you think veganism is part of the NWO agenda? Just don't eat the plastic meat. You don't think there are some people who can't consume dairy or prefer not to eat meat? Have you seen what they do inside factory farms? The shit that's being done there is like the shit the elites would like to do to us, with pity and compassion of course.
Veganism and vegetarianism are part of the agenda 21 propaganda. The main purpose is to eventually reduce and control the earths population. Unhealthy people are easier to control: a low fat diet without animal products can cause malfunctions in your brain and body. The propaganda is also about making people to move to cities, to take away human rights and to raise taxation.
The standard American diet with a steady intake of McDonald's and Diet Coke make for a very unhealthy population. America already has an obesity epidemic and men with low libido. You don't need a special diet to do that. Australians eat only grass-fed beef, even at fast food joints, and have one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. There is nothing special in animal products that prevents human malfunctions. If people fail on veganism, it's because they don't eat enough. They either eat the same volume as they did before with a significant reduction in caloric intake, or they try veganism out of vanity and usually suffer from some eating disorder such as anorexia. If the NWO wants to use veganism as part of their agenda, it probably has to do with the fact that it's the cheapest way to feed the population.
YES. Overhead costs of meat versus plants? No brainer, larger profit to be made on fake meats and plant foods pumped with sugar. Also the degradation of forcing people to eat insects.