I’ve been digging into this. Events that occurred in 1889 when we last saw weather like this. Hilter born. The great flood. Autists definitely needed. I feel like this weather is definitely significant right now. Just trying to correlate it with 1889.
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God's way of showing us how silly it is to think what God created can be destroyed by what God created ? Climate change hoax.
A friend of mine said back in 1889 our government/military would not have had the means to manipulate weather. But I don’t believe it. Plus the video posted today of trump saying it would get cold. And that science doesn’t even know. My brains on overdrive today.
You’ve got some old fucking friends, jeez
I see your point. I worded that wrong. My friend said at that time our government and military wouldn’t have the technology to do things they can now lol. I’m old AF though. So I don’t judge my old friends lol